I have no belief at all in the general decay of English manufactures; and I believe before Christmas the infernal regions of Manchester will be in an uproar of manufacturing activity. I have made my return of income, but I have done it by the light of nature, unassisted by the Act. They should not put such men as Dr. W—— to interpret difficult Acts. Your friend Rolfe is always liked by the Bar. He gives universal satisfaction.
I hear that Lady
Philips is a good deal alarmed at the idea of Vigne, the traveller in Caboul, being a
Mahometan. I have no belief that he is so; but you
It seems quite useless to kill the Chinese. It is like killing flies in July; a practice which tires the crudest schoolboy. I really do not know what is to be done, unless to send Napier, who, for a sum of money, would dethrone the Emperor, and bring him here. You should read Napier’s two little volumes of the war in Portugal. He is an heroic fellow, equal to anything in Plutarch; and moreover a long-headed, clever hero, who takes good aim before he fires. I had a letter yesterday from Howick. They are all expecting in Northumberland that the Queen will return by land.
I hope you have given up riding, and yielded to the alarms of your friends. Indeed, my dear old friend, it is perilous to see you on horseback. If you had ever the elements of that art, there might be some hope, but you know I never could succeed in teaching you, either by example or precept.