Jeffrey has written to me to say he means to dedicate his Essays to me. This I think a very great honour, and it pleases me very much. I am sure he ought to resign. He has very feeble health; a mild climate would suit the state of his throat. Mrs. Jeffrey thinks he could not employ himself. Wives know a great deal about husbands; but, if she is right, I should be surprised. I have thought he had a canine appetite for books, though this sometimes declines in the decline of life. I am beautifying my house in Green-street; a comfortable house is a great source of happiness. It ranks immediately after health and a good conscience. I see your religious war is begun in Scotland. I suppose Jeffrey will be at the head of the Free Church troops. Do you think he has any military talents?
You are, I hear, attending more to diet than heretofore.
If you wish for anything like happiness in the fifth act of life, eat and drink
about one-half what you could eat and drink. Did I ever
tell you my calculation about eating and drinking? Having ascertained the
weight of what I could live upon, so as to preserve health and strength, and
what I did live upon, I found that, between ten and seventy years of age, I had
eaten and drunk forty four-horse waggon-loads of meat and drink more than would
have preserved me in life and health! The value of this mass of nourishment I
considered to be worth seven thousand pounds sterling. It occurred to me that I
must, by my vo-
Lord and Lady Lansdowne, who are rambling about this fine country, are to spend a day here next week. You must really come to see the West of England. From Combe Florey we will go together to Linton and Lynmouth, than which there is nothing finer in this island. Two of our acquaintance dead this week,—Stewart Mackenzie and Bell! We must close our ranks. God bless you, my dear Murray!