“. . . [We are] within a few doors here of Ld. Thurlow’s house, which has been
recently honor’d with a Royal visit, when, as you may suppose, the whole
scene of ministerial intrigue and family negociation was laid open: some legal
business of importance was also transacted, for one lawyer came down with the
P., and another was sent for while he
remained. . . . Most probably it relates to some arrangement for the Princess. I am really glad to find he has
conducted himself with so much firmness, and at the same time with some
decorum. I give him the more credit for it, as I suspect the councils of
1793-1804.] | THE IRISH DIFFICULTY. | 31 |
“I have received a long and interesting letter from Mr. Parnell with an account of the Catholic proceedings in Dublin, which have at last assumed a very formidable aspect. . . . He says—‘In a month’s time three millions of men will be formed into a well-disciplined and united body, headed by men of great wealth, and, what is better, great prudence. Weak as this Empire was in civil power, it is still further weakened by being divided with Foster;† so that I do not think I shall be mistaken in saying that all the moral force which influences men’s minds and their actions thro’ their opinions will be lodged in the hands of the Catholics; and unless the Irish Govt. can raise a rebellion, which I do not think they can, they will fall into an insignificance equal to their deserts.’ He adds that the meeting in Dublin was attended by upwards of eighty gentlemen, the poorest of whom has £2000 per ann. However the mere question of numbers may stand, Pitt’s situation must, I think, appear far more critical at the commencement of the ensuing, than at the close of the last, session. No army raised at home—no foreign connections made or improved—on the contrary, a new war unnecessarily undertaken, and ungraciously entered upon—the Catholic body united in their demands, founded on past promises, and a powerfull and unbroken Opposition ready and willing to support. If such a combination of circumstances does not shake the Treasury bench, what mortal power can? . . .”