“I went yesterday to the opening of our campaign, with
some apprehension, I confess, as I knew Fox was to be there, least his sentiments upon the subject of
France and England should diminish my esteem for him. His conduct, however, and
his speech were, in my mind, in every respect perfect;
and if he will let them be the models for his future imitation, he will keep in
the Doctor and preserve the peace. God
continue Fox’s prudence and Pitt’s gout! The infamous malignity and
misrepresentation of that scoundrel Windham did injury only to himself: never creature less
deserved it than poor Fox. You cannot imagine the pleasure
I feel in having this noble animal still to look up to as my champion. Nothing
can be so whimsical as the state of the House of Commons. The Ministers, feeble
beyond all powers of caricaturing, are unsupported—at least by the
acclamations—of that great mass of persons who always support all
Ministers, but who are ashamed publicly to applaud them.
They are insulted by the indignant, mercenary Canning, who wants again to be in place, and they are openly
pelted by the sanguinary faction of Windham and the
Grenvillites as dastardly poltroons, for not rushing instantly into war. Under
these circumstances their only ally is the old Opposition. . . . If they are so
supported, I see distinctly that Fox will at least have
arrived at this situation that, tho’ unable to be Minister himself, he
may in fact
“Lord Henry Petty and I dined together yesterday. He is as good as ever. We both took our seats behind old Charley.”