The Creevey Papers
Henry Brougham to Thomas Creevey, 14 September 1820
“Brougham, 14 Sept., 1820.
“Dear C.,
“. . . Either you or Bennet should by all means ask a question respecting the two
late outrages in Scotland committed by Sir Alexr. Gordon
and his son Mr. James Gordon. These two worthies being at
Crossmichael church one Sunday, and observing the parson, Mr.
Jeffrey, pray for the Queen, they caused a vestry (kirk session) to be held
instanter; and, there being no further notice, they two and the parson were the
only members present; whereupon, by a majority of 2 to 1, they recorded a
censure on him and an order against ever again praying for the Queen by name!
The Presbytery, being the ordinary ecclesl. jurisdn., immediately took it up,
revised the whole proceeding, and have ordered the parties to appear before
them—I suppose to be censured. ![]()
Again: the son,
James Gordon, being Col. of a Yeomanry corps lately on
duty, the chaplain, Mr. Gillespie (whom
I have known for many years, and who is a man of admirable character and perfect loyalty), preached a very loyal discourse, but
prayed for the Q. The Col. put him under arrest! The ecclesl. authorities have
taken this matter up, and I suppose (indeed it is quite clear) must take
Gillespie’s part strongly. But why do I specify
these two matters? Because Jas. Gordon
is a judge in Scotland, and an ecclesiastical one: viz. one of the
Commissaries who are the 3 Judges of the supreme Consistorial Court at Edinr. .
. . You are aware that the Scotch Church acknowledge no head but J.
Christ—utterly denies the King’s or Parlt.’s right to
interfere in any respect, and rejects with the utmost indignation all attempts
(which, since the aboln. of Episcopacy, indeed, have never been made) to
dictate, or even hint at, any form of prayers, each parson being left wholly to
himself, except as far as the Church Courts (viz.; Presbytery, Synod and
General Assembly) may regulate their doctrine and discipline. Now a question
ought to be asked on this Gordon’s conduct. . .
Henry Grey Bennet (1777-1836)
The son of Charles Bennet, fourth earl of Tankerville; educated at Eton and Peterhouse,
Cambridge, he was a Whig MP for MP for Shrewsbury (1806-07, 1811-26) and a legal
Queen Caroline of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel (1768-1821)
Married the Prince of Wales in 1795 and separated in 1796; her husband instituted
unsuccessful divorce proceedings in 1820 when she refused to surrender her rights as
William Gillespie (1776-1825)
Scottish poet, the eldest son of John Gillespie; he studied at Edinburgh University
(1792) and was minister at Kells in 1806. He was an ardent Whig.