“. . . Do you know they say the King is intent upon turning out Lord Hertford to make room for Conyingham as Lord Chamberlain, and Lord Cholmondeley to make way for Lord Roden. Was there ever such insanity at such
a time? It is said the Ministers have exacted a promise from him not to make
the first change, at least pending the trial. In writing
the last sentence, I heard a noise of hurraing and shouting in the street; so I
ran out to see. It was, I may say, the Navy of England
marching to Brandenburgh House with an address to the Queen. I have seen nothing like this
before—nothing approaching to it. There were thousands of seamen, all
well dressed, all sober—the best-looking, the finest men you could
imagine. Every man had a new white
1819-20.] | BROUGHAM OPENS THE DEFENCE. | 321 |