The Creevey Papers
Henry Brougham to Thomas Creevey, [May?] 1810
“1810, Temple.
“. . . I hope I need not assure you that my opinion as
to Pitt is much too deeply rooted, and
formed upon too long an examination of that Arch-juggler’s proceedings,
to be at any time even in the least degree modified by any reason of party
expediency or party concert. I need scarcely add that no other motive (such as
fear of giving offence) could ever reach me. Indeed, any notion of such
sentiments giving offence in any quarter of our friends, could only have the
effect of making one speak more loudly if possible. At the same time, I fancy
that personal feelings are all that influence the
Grenvilles on this point—I should rather say
Ld. G. himself, for the rest
don’t seem to have liked Pitt. . . . I agree with
you entirely as to
the probable fate of Pitt’s
reputation. He was indeed a poor hand at a measure, whatever he may have been
at a speech. This all men may easily perceive; but a little inquiry into the
facts of such questions as the Regency—Slave Trade—Restriction and
E. I. Coy. makes one almost disbelieve the evidence of recollection, and doubt
whether he actually did succeed in hoodwinking the country for twenty years . .
. As to this rebellion agt. legitimate authority, Ld.
H[olland] won’t touch the subject, no more will young C.* nor Eden, nor Macdonald,
&c; and Lord Derby being applied to by
Thanet, declined interfering, as did
the D. of Devonshire and Lord G[rey], each on his own
ground—Lord D. on that of general, vague and
groundless panic, quite worthy of his panic when Gladstone and Co. went to Knowsley and made him give over
supporting us at L’pool.”
James Abercromby, first baron Dunfermline (1776-1858)
The son of Lt.-Gen Sir Ralph Abercromby; he was MP for Midhurst (1807), Calne (1812-30)
and Edinburgh (1832), judge-advocate general (1827) and speaker of the House of Commons
(1835-39); he was raised to the peerage in 1839.
William Cavendish, fifth duke of Devonshire (1748-1811)
Whig peer, the son of William Cavendish, fourth duke of Devonshire; after succeeding to
the title in 1764 he married the famous Lady Georgiana Spencer in 1774.
George Eden, earl of Auckland (1784-1849)
The second son of William Eden, first Baron Auckland (d. 1814); educated at Eton, Christ
Church, Oxford, and Lincoln's Inn, he courted Annabella Milbanke and was MP for New
Woodstock. He was governor-general of India (1836-42).
Henry Richard Fox, third baron Holland (1773-1840)
Whig politician and literary patron; Holland House was for many years the meeting place
for reform-minded politicians and writers. He also published translations from the Spanish
and Italian;
Memoirs of the Whig Party was published in 1852.
Sir John Gladstone, first baronet (1764-1851)
Originally Gladstones; the father of the prime minister, he was a Liverpool merchant and
MP aligned with Canning for Lancaster (1818-20), Woodstock (1820-26) and Berwick-on-Tweed
William Wyndham Grenville, baron Grenville (1759-1834)
Educated at Eton and Christ Church, Oxford, he was a moderate Whig MP, foreign secretary
(1791-1801), and leader and first lord of the treasury in the “All the Talents” ministry
(1806-1807). He was chancellor of Oxford University (1810).
Charles Grey, second earl Grey (1764-1845)
Whig statesman and lover of the Duchess of Devonshire; the second son of the first earl
(d. 1807), he was prime minister (1831-34).
Sir James Macdonald, second baronet (1784-1832)
The son of Sir Archibald Macdonald (d. 1826) and Lady Louisa Leveson-Gower; educated at
Westminster School, he was MP for Tain burghs (1805-06), Newcastle-under Lyme (1806-12),
Sutherland (1812-16), Calne (1816-31), and Hampshire (1831-32); he was clerk of the Privy
William Pitt the younger (1759-1806)
The second son of William Pitt, earl of Chatham (1708-1778); he was Tory prime minister
Edward Smith Stanley, twelfth earl of Derby (1752-1834)
Grandson of the eleventh earl (d. 1776); educated at Eton and Trinity College, Cambridge,
he was a Whig MP for Lancashire, a friend of Charles James Fox, nephew of John Burgoyne,
and a committed sportsman.