“Well, after all that passed between
Prinney and Wellesley on Monday night, after all the foul language about
Moira, &c., late last night
Prinney sent for
Moira and flung himself upon his mercy. Such a scene I
never heard of; the young monarch cried loud and long;
in short he seems to have been very nearly in convulsions. The afflicting
interview was entirely occupied with lamentations over past errors, and delight
at brighter prospects for the future under the happier auspices of his old and
true friend now restored. Moira told him generally the
terrible state of the country, which the other said had been concealed from him
by his Ministers, and that he had not seen a paper these three or four weeks.
Moira suggested to him that perhaps he would wish to
be more composed before they went further into detail,
and this was agreed to, so he has been there again to-day for three hours. I
saw him come away at a little before four, and Lord
Dundas called with me at his door and found he had gone off to
Lord Wellesley’s, where Grenville and Grey now are
hearing the substance of this long interview of Moira with
his Master . . . My jokes about Wellesley are in great
request. Lady Holland said to me on Sunday
in the drawing-room after dinner—‘Come here and sit by me, you
mischievous toad, and promise that you
won’t begin upon the new Government with your jokes. When you do,
begin with those Grenvilles.’ I dined at old
Tankerville’s yesterday, who
1812.] | PROLONGED SUSPENSE. | 159 |