“. . . Now on this question [that of bringing in a
declaratory bill regarding the Princess of
Wales? once for all, do not listen to Sam
[Whitbread]. He has no head. Depend upon it he has not. He is good for
execution, but nothing for council, except, indeed, as far as his courage and
honesty go, which are invaluable, but not of themselves sufficient. The idea of
the galleries being shut would frighten him to death, for he speaks very much
with an eye to the newspapers. Now my belief is that if a good and popular
ground for shutting them could be got (as this may be
made) a most prodigious step would be gained. But, it will be said,
why degrade the House in this way? I reply, if the House is base enough after
making a row 3 years ago about its privileges, when they were to be used
against the people, now to yield up everything like the privileges which can
really serve the people, it deserves to be brought into every sort of contempt,
and the sooner the people quarrel with it, the better. Perhaps you may think my
desire too romantic a one—viz. to see a whole session pass with shut
doors. I certainly do wish devoutly to see it, knowing the price we pay for
reading debates; but at present I am only speaking of such a shutting as may
produce acquiescence in the Bill, which will become necessary should the Courts
decide against us. While mentioning Whitbread, I must say
that his two capital blunders in the Pss. business certainly don’t tend to raise my notion