The Creevey Papers
Thomas Creevey to Elizabeth Ord, 27 March 1832
“. . . I am in much better heart about the 2nd
reading in the Lords. Altho’ Wharncliffe and Harrowby
have few or no followers, yet it is so evidently fright of the consequences
that a second rejection of ![]()
1832-33.] | LADY GREY’S PARTY. | 243 |
this Bill may produce that influences them in their present course, that the
same fright has very naturally found its way into other members of the Tory
camp. . . . Howick told me his father
[Lord Grey] had this very day received
letters from six Tory peers expressing their intentions either to vote for the
2nd reading or to stay away, and thanking Lord Grey for
not having carried this Bill by a new creation of Peers.”
Charles Grey, second earl Grey (1764-1845)
Whig statesman and lover of the Duchess of Devonshire; the second son of the first earl
(d. 1807), he was prime minister (1831-34).
Henry George Grey, third earl Grey (1802-1894)
The son of the second earl; he was educated at Trinity College, Cambridge and was a Whig
MP (1826-45) when he succeeded his father. He was secretary for the colonies
Dudley Ryder, first earl of Harrowby (1762-1847)
Tory MP; Pitt's second in the duel with George Tierney (1798), he was friendly towards to
abolition of the slave trade and to Catholic emancipation.