The Creevey Papers
Thomas Creevey to Elizabeth Ord, 19 March 1836
“March 19th.
“. . . I never dined with Lady Holland after all, but sent an excuse on account of my
gout. I really can’t stand the artificial bother and crowded table of her
house. I admit that no one can sail thro’ such difficulties better than
myself; but still, her presumption is not to be endured. How different from the
affable demeanour of Marianne Abercromby
with whom and Mr. Speaker I am to have the
honor of
dining this day;* and our Duke
Barney† is to take me there.”
James Abercromby, first baron Dunfermline (1776-1858)
The son of Lt.-Gen Sir Ralph Abercromby; he was MP for Midhurst (1807), Calne (1812-30)
and Edinburgh (1832), judge-advocate general (1827) and speaker of the House of Commons
(1835-39); he was raised to the peerage in 1839.
Edward Ellice (1783-1863)
British merchant with the Hudson's Bay Company and Whig MP for Coventry (1818-26,
1830-63); he was a friend of Sir Francis Burdett and John Cam Hobhouse.
Elizabeth Fox, Lady Holland [née Vassall] (1771 c.-1845)
In 1797 married Henry Richard Fox, Lord Holland, following her divorce from Sir Godfrey
Webster; as mistress of Holland House she became a pillar of Whig society.
Bernard Edward Howard, twelfth duke of Norfolk (1765-1842)
Educated at the English College at Douai, in 1815 he succeeded his third cousin, Charles
Howard, eleventh duke (d. 1815), and took his seat in Parliament after passage of the Roman
Catholic Relief Bill of 1829.