“. . . Who should arrive at Brooks’s last night fresh from Paris but Og King of Bashan?* You never saw a fellow in such a state of fury against Cochon.† He is for a declaration of war this very afternoon in his friend Canning’s speech. He complains bitterly that we are none of us up to the true mark: that if we would but give Spain a lift now before the Russians and Prussians come to be quartered in France (which he is perfectly sure is part of the present plan) that the Bourbons wd. not be on their throne 3 months. . . .”
“Just heard the King’s Speech, and upon my word the part about Spain is much better than I expected. I don’t see what Brougham is to do with his amendment after it. The first sentence relating to Spain‡
* The 2nd Lord Kensington † Louis XVIII. ‡ “Faithful to the principles which his Majesty has promulgated to the world as constituting the rule of his conduct, his Majesty has |