The Creevey Papers
Thomas Creevey to Elizabeth Ord, 24 October 1825
“Lambton, 24th Oct, 1825.
“. . . Altho’ our King Jog did receive me so graciously yesterday . . . the
sunshine was of very limited duration. You must know by a new ordinance livery
servants are proscribed the dining-room; so our Michael and Frances
[Taylor] were none the better for their two Cantley footmen, and this was the
case too with Mrs. General Grey, whom I
handed out to dinner. . . . Soup was handed round—from where, God knows;
but before Lambton stood a dish with one small haddock and
three small whitings in it, which he instantly ordered off the table, to avoid
trouble of helping. Mrs. Grey and
myself were at least ten minutes without any prospect of getting any servant to
attend to us, altho I made repeated application to
Lambton, who was all this time eating his own fish as
comfortably as could be. So my blood beginning to boil, I
said:—‘Lambton, I wish you would
tell me what quarter I am to apply to for some fish.’ To which he
replied in the most impertinent manner:—‘The servant, I
suppose.’ I turned to Mills and said pretty
loud:—‘Now, if it was not for the fuss and jaw of the thing,
I would leave the room and the house this instant’; and I dwelt
on the damned outrage. Mills said:—‘He
hears every word you say’; to which I said: ‘I hope he
does.’ . . . It was a regular scene. . . .”
Charlotte Grey [née Des Voeux] (1789 c.-1882)
The daughter of Sir Charles Philip Vinchon Des Voeux, first baronet; in 1812 she married
General Sir Henry George Grey, son of General Charles Grey, first Earl Grey.
Frances Ann Taylor [née Vane] (d. 1835)
Whig hostess, the daughter of Sir Henry Vane, first baronet (1729–1794); in 1789 she
married the politician Michael Angelo Taylor.
Michael Angelo Taylor (1757 c.-1834)
Educated at Corpus Christi College, Oxford, he was MP (1784-34) for a variety of
constituencies; originally a Tory he gravitated to the Whigs over the course of his long