The Creevey Papers
Thomas Creevey to Elizabeth Ord, 24 August 1827
“Aug. 24.
“I am very sorry I did not ask Morritt for a copy of his work on the situation of ancient Troy.
You must know that he has a brother, one of the hugest great fat men you ever
saw; and as the elder brother is called ‘Troy’
Morritt, the other goes by the name of
‘Avoirdupois’ Morritt. Damned fair for the
“. . . The perfidy of the
Arch-fiend* to Lambton! . .
. He gave Powlett a history of the peerage
as told by Lambton himself to
Brougham. Says
Lambton:—‘I directed my auditor to wait upon Ld.
Lansdowne, and to make that claim which I thought I had a
perfect right to, of being made a peer. But Stephenson
refused to execute this
commission.’—‘When,’ said
Brougham [to Powlett],
‘Lambton opened the case and his claims
to me, I thought it but fair to give him my honest
opinion that he had none—that he had only his
own seat in Parliament—that he took little or no part in debates, and
that, in short, his claim was wholly untenable.’ Now whether all
or any or what part of all this is fiction, I know not; but was there ever such
a perfidious monster as this Bruffam, or such an insolent
jackanapes as this Lambton. The latter, I flatter myself,
is diddled, tho’ he did return from Paris to be
present, with myself, at Canning’s funeral. I was rather ashamed to see my name
upon such an occasion and in such a crew.†
“Well now, tho’ somewhat late, my Portuguese
Marshal—Lord Beresford—came
to dinner on Sunday, and was off before breakfast yesterday [Thursday]. I can
safely say that in my life I never took so strong a prejudice against a man.
Such a low-looking ruffian in his air, with damned bad manners, or rather none
at all, and a vulgarity in his expressions and pronunciation that made me at
once believe he was as ignorant, stupid and illiterate as he was ill-looking.
Yet somehow or other he almost wiped away all these
notches before we parted. In the
first place, it is with me an invaluable property in any man to have him call a
spade a spade. The higher he is in station the more rare and the more
entertaining it is. Then I defy any human being to find out that he is either a
marshal or a lord; but you do find out that he has been in every part of the
world, and in all the interesting scenes of it for the last five and thirty
years. . . . The history of these two Beresfords is really
interesting. They are natural sons of old Lord
Waterford,* and were sent over in their infancy to a school at
Catterick Bridge under the names of John
Poo [Poer?] (the Admiral) and William Carr
(the Marshal), and they kept these names till they were about 12 years old. . .
. They are still in ignorance of who their mother was, or whether they had the
same; but from the secrecy upon this head, from their being sent from Ireland,
and, above all, from Lady Waterford having
seemed always to shew more affection to them than to her own children, there is
a notion they were hers before her marriage.”
Lady Elizabeth Beresford [née Monck] (1783 fl.)
The daughter of Henry Monck and Lady Isabella Bentinck; in 1769 she married George de la
Poer Beresford, first Marquess of Waterford.
Sir John Poo Beresford, first baronet (1766-1844)
The brother of William Carr Beresford, Viscount Beresford; he was a naval officer and
Tory MP for Coleraine (1809-12, 1814-23, 1832-33), Berwick-on-Tweed (1823-26),
Northallerton (1826-32), and Chatham (1835-37).
William Carr Beresford, viscount Beresford (1768-1854)
The illegitimate son of George de la Poer Beresford, earl of Tyrone, and later first
marquess of Waterford; he was commander of the Portuguese forces in the Peninsular War,
raised to the peerage in 1823. Thomas Creevey complained of his “damned bad manners, or
rather none at all.”
Henry Peter Brougham, first baron Brougham and Vaux (1778-1868)
Educated at Edinburgh University, he was a founder of the
Review in which he chastised Byron's
Hours of Idleness; he
defended Queen Caroline in her trial for adultery (1820), established the London University
(1828), and was appointed lord chancellor (1830).
George Canning (1770-1827)
Tory statesman; he was foreign minister (1807-1809) and prime minister (1827); a
supporter of Greek independence and Catholic emancipation.
Thomas Creevey (1768-1838)
Whig politician aligned with Charles James Fox and Henry Brougham; he was MP for Thetford
(1802-06, 1807-18) Appleby (1820-26) and Downton (1831-32). He was convicted of libel in
William John Frederick Vane, third duke of Cleveland (1792-1864)
The son of Sir William Henry Vane, first Duke of Cleveland; he assumed the name of
Powlett. He was educated at Brasenose College, Oxford, and was a Whig MP for Winchelsea
(1812-15), Durham County (1815-31), St. Ives (1846-52), and Ludlow (1852-57).