“. . . This composition of Brougham’s is a letter to Lord
Cleveland written, of course, at Cleveland House and of four
sides’ length. No one who has not seen it can conceive its low, lying,
dirty, shuffling villainy. However, with all his manoeuvres, he can’t
escape the charge, and he states in his own words, rather at more length and in
stronger terms, exactly the same substance of the conversation between Lord
“Grey’s answer to Lord Cleveland is that he is anything but satisfied with his lordship’s letter; that Brougham’s letter is conclusive proof of the truth of the injurious statement he has made respecting his [Grey’s] conversation at Doncaster; and as his lordship had admitted in conversation at Cleveland House that there never was the least foundation for such allegation, he claims in justice to have the same admission under his lordship’s hand. This brought another letter from our Niffy-Naffy marquis, in terms as explicit as could possibly be selected, stating the pleasure he had in complying with Lord Grey’s request, and declaring unequivocally that no such conversation as that alleged to have passed at Doncaster between him and Lord Grey, or anything approaching to it, had ever taken place; and he concludes by expressing his regret that any misunderstanding should take place between Brougham and Lord Grey, and with an offer of his services—tho’ unauthorised by Brougham—to bring about their reconciliation. To this Grey returns a civil answer, stating the relief it is to his mind to have this unequivocal denial of the injurious statement circulated by Brougham having any foundation in fact; but that, with respect to Brougham, until he shall make the same unequivocal denial of the circulation of the injurious statement, and say that it is entirely destitute of truth, all confidential intercourse between them must be suspended. And so the thing ends, and a charming mess it is for the arch-fiend—Lady Jersey, the Duke of Bedford, &c., having already copies [of the correspondence]. Grey . . . says Rosslyn made him much milder in his expressions than he wished.”