The Creevey Papers
Thomas Creevey to Elizabeth Ord, 10 March 1829
“Well, our ‘very small and early party’
last night [at Lady Sefton’s] was
quite as agreeable as ever; but I must be permitted to observe that,
considering the rigid virtue of Lady Sefton and the
profound darkness in which her daughters of from 30 to 40 are brought up as to
even the existence of vice,
1829.] | A PARTY At LADY SEFTON’S. | 199 |
the party was as
little calculated to protract the delusion of these innocents as any collection
to be made in London could well be. There were Mrs. F——
L—— and Lord
Chesterfield, who came together and sat together all night;
Lady E—— and the Pole or Prussian or
Austrian—whichever he is—whom they call
‘Cadland’ because he beat the Colonel
(Anson).* Anything so impudent as she, or so barefaced
as the whole thing, I never beheld; Princess
Esterhazy and Lady ——,
Lady —— and [Lord] Palmerston—in short, by far the most
notorious and profligate women in London. . . . With respect to how Lord Grey and other people take the Catholic Bill
or Pill, there is an increasing satisfaction in all the friends to the measure,
and the ranks of the bigots are thinning. There is one damned thing, if it is
persisted in, which is that O’Connell is not to be let into his present seat, but
sent back to a new election under the new Bill. . . . When I was at
Grey’s on Sunday, he told me Burdett had just been with him upon this
subject, and had urged him to speak to the Duke of
Wellington about it. Not amiss in
O’Connell and Burdett,
considering that they had never consulted Grey before on
any of their Catholic cookery. However, his answer was that he should do no
such thing, for that, altho’ there could be no doubt as to the abominable
injustice of this case, yet as the Duke had never shown any disposition to
communicate with him upon this measure, it was not for him—Lord
Grey—to begin any such communication. So much for
Sefton and others, who will have it that
Lord Grey must and will come into office. . . .
Wellington was blooded yesterday, but is out to-day,
and gone to face Winchilsea in the
Sir Francis Burdett, fifth baronet (1770-1844)
Whig MP for Westminster (1807-1837) who was imprisoned on political charges in 1810 and
again in 1820; in the 1830s he voted with the Conservatives.
Anthony Ashley- Cooper, seventh earl of Shaftesbury (1801-1885)
The son of the sixth earl (d. 1851); he was asocial reformer who introduced legislation
to relieve women and children laboring in coal mines and to limit the work-day for factory
laborers to ten hours.
Charles Grey, second earl Grey (1764-1845)
Whig statesman and lover of the Duchess of Devonshire; the second son of the first earl
(d. 1807), he was prime minister (1831-34).
Daniel O'Connell (1775-1847)
Irish politician, in 1823 he founded the Catholic Association to press for Catholic
Henry John Temple, third viscount Palmerston (1784-1865)
After education at Harrow and Edinburgh University he was MP for Newport (1807-11) and
Cambridge University (1811-31), foreign minister (1830-41), and prime minister (1855-58,