“. . . It is a well known fact that Lord Durham is doing all he possibly can to make
Lord Grey act a part that shall force
him into the Government, meaning in that event to go snacks himself in the
acquisition of power and profit; which, considering that he got his peerage by
deserting Grey and by helping Canning to defeat Wellington, is consistent and modest enough! So after dinner
[at Lord William Powlett’s] the levee
being mentioned, Grey said in the most natural manner he
would never go to another; upon which Lambton
[Lord Durham] remonstrated with him most severely and
pathetically, and George Lamb thought
Grey was wrong; but Grey held out
firm as a rock—said that it was quite against his own opinion going the
last time, but that he had been quite persecuted into it—that this last
personal insult from the King in never
noticing him was only one of a series of the same kind, and that for the future
he should please himself by avoiding a repetition of them. You may easily fancy
the amiability of Lambton’s face at his avowal. . .
. You see these impertinent and base