“. . . I fear Vaux must go crazy. He is like Wolsey. I’ll give you a case in point. We had all heard
how his coach had been stopt at the Horse Guards on the day of the Queen’s drawing-room, and that he had got
into the greatest fury and called out to let any man at his peril stop the Lord
Chancellor of England from going to the King; but your militaire has a knack of referring to an order, and a
written one was produced, forbidding any carriage to pass thro’ that gate
on days of the Queen’s drawing-rooms, except the Royal Family, Archbishop
of Canterbury and the Speaker of the House of Commons. The officer upon guard
most civilly explained the order and expressed his regret at being obliged to
enforce it; but our Guy, little daunted or cajoled by all this, put his wig out
of the other window and ordered his coachman to go on at
all hazards; and so he did, carrying Horse Guards blue and red all clear before
him. . . . My Lord Chancellor’s defence to Sefton was that, not only were the Speaker and the Archbishop
down as privilege men, but Lord Shaftesbury
who is chairman of the House of Lords—a kind of deputy to
Brougham. ‘So,’ as the latter
justly observed, ‘when I saw my own
man—my actual boot-jack—had the privilege, and not me, it
was more than flesh and blood could bear.’ . . .
Sefton, who sees the actual insides of both Vaux and
Grey, says there is a considerable dislike in each to
1830-31.] | STIRRING TIMES. | 223 |