“As I have received a firman for Egypt, &c. I shall
proceed to that quarter in the spring, and I beg you will state to Mr. H. that it is necessary to further remittances. On
the subject of Newstead, I answer, as before, no. If it is
necessary to sell, sell Rochdale. Fletcher will
have arrived by this time with my letters to that purport. I will tell you fairly, I
have, in the first place, no opinion of funded property; if, by any particular
circumstances, I shall he led to adopt such a determination, I will, at all events, pass
my life abroad, as my only tie to England is Newstead, and, that once gone, neither
interest nor inclination lead me northward. Competence in your country is simple wealth
in the east, such is the difference in value of money and the abundance of
A. D. 1811. | LIFE OF LORD BYRON. | 247 |
“P.S.—I shall, most likely see you in the course of the summer, but, of course, at such a distance, I cannot specify any particular month.”