Letters and Journals of Lord Byron
Lord Byron to John Murray, 16 September 1811
“Newstead Abbey, Sept. 16, 1811
“I return the proof, which I should wish to be shown to
Mr. Dallas, who understands typographical
arrangements much better than I can pretend to do. The printer may place the notes in
his own way, or any way, so that they are
out of my way; I care nothing about types or margins.
“If you have any communication to make, I shall be here at
least a week or ten days longer.
“I am, sir, &c.. &c.”
Robert Charles Dallas (1754-1824)
English poet, novelist, and translator who corresponded with Byron. His sister Charlotte
Henrietta Dallas (d. 1793) married Captain George Anson Byron (1758-1793); their son George
Anson Byron (1789-1868) inherited Byron's title in 1824.
John Murray II (1778-1843)
The second John Murray began the
Quarterly Review in 1809 and
published works by Scott, Byron, Austen, Crabbe, and other literary notables.