“The parcels contained some letters and verses, all (but
one) anonymous and complimentary, and very anxious for my conversion from certain
infidelities into which my good-natured correspondents conceive me to have fallen. The
books were presents of a convertible kind. Also, ‘Christian Knowledge’ and the
‘Bioscope,’ a
religious Dial of Life explained;—and to the author of the former
(Cadell, publisher), I beg you will forward my best thanks for
his letter, his present, and, above all, his good intentions. The ‘Bioscope’ contained a MS. copy of very excellent verses, from whom I know not, but evidently
the composition of some one in the habit of writing, and of writing well. I do not know
376 | NOTICES OF THE | A. D. 1812. |
“So you are Lucien’s publisher? I am promised an interview with him, and think I shall ask you for a letter of introduction, as ‘the gods have made him poetical.’ From whom could it come with a better grace than from his publisher and mine? Is it not somewhat treasonable in you to have to do with a relative of the ‘direful foe,’ as the Morning Post calls his brother?
“But my book on ‘Diet and Regimen,’ where is it? I thirst for Scott’s Rokeby; let me have your first-begotten copy. The Anti-jacobin Review is all very well, and not a bit worse than the Quarterly, and at least less harmless. By the by, have you secured my books? I want all the Reviews, at least the critiques, quarterly, monthly, &c. Portuguese and English, extracted, and bound up in one volume for my old age; and pray, sort my Romaic books, and get the volumes lent to Mr. Hobhouse—he has had them now a long time. If any thing occurs, you will favour me with a line, and in winter we shall be nearer neighbours.
“P.S. I was applied to, to write the Address for Drury-lane, but the moment I heard of the contest, I gave up the idea of contending against all Grub-street, and threw a few thoughts on the subject into the fire. I did this out of respect to you, being sure you would have turned off any of your authors who had entered the lists with such scurvy competitors. To triumph would have been no glory; and to have been defeated—’sdeath!—I would have choked myself, like Otway, with a quartern loaf; so, remember I had, and have, nothing to do with it, upon my honour!”