“I enclose a draft for the money; when paid, send the copyright. I release you from the thousand pounds agreed on, for the Giaour and Bride, and there’s an end.
“If any accident occurs to me, you may do then as you please; but, with the exception of two copies of each for yourself only, I expect and request that the advertisements be withdrawn, and the remaining copies of all destroyed; and any expense so incurred, I will be glad to defray.
“For all this, it might be as well to assign some reason. I have none to give, except my own caprice, and I do not consider the circumstance of consequence enough to require explanation.
“In course, I need hardly assure you that they never shall
be published with my consent, directly or indirectly, by any other person
whatsoever,—that I am perfectly satisfied, and have every reason so to be,
A. D. 1814. | LIFE OF LORD BYRON. | 551 |
“It will give me great pleasure to preserve your acquaintance, and to consider you as my friend. Believe me very truly, and for much attention,
“P.S. I do not think that I have overdrawn at Hammersley’s; but if that be the case, I can draw for the superflux on Hoares’. The draft is £5 short, but that I will make up. On payment—not before—return the copyright papers.”