“Post after post arrives without bringing any acknowledgment from you of the different packets (excepting the first) which I have sent within the last two months, all of which ought to be arrived long ere now; and as they were announced in other letters, you ought at least to say whether they are come or not. You are not expected to write frequent, or long letters, as your time is much occupied; but when parcels that have cost some pains in the composition, and great trouble in the copying, are sent to you, I should at least be put out of suspense, by the immediate acknowledgment, per return of post, addressed directly to Ravenna. I am naturally—knowing what continental posts are—anxious to hear that they are arrived; especially as I loathe the task of copying so much, that if there was a human being that could copy my blotted MSS., he should have all they can ever bring for his trouble. All I desire is two lines, to say, such a day I received such a packet. There are at least six unacknowledged. This is neither kind nor courteous.
“I have, besides, another reason for desiring you to be
speedy, which is, that there is that brewing in Italy which
will speedily cut off all security of communication, and set all your Anglo-travellers
flying in every direction, with their usual fortitude in foreign tumults. The Spanish
and French affairs have set the Italians in a ferment; and
A. D. 1820. | LIFE OF LORD BYRON. | 317 |
“But I doubt, if any thing be done, it won’t be so quietly as in Spain. To be sure, revolutions are not to be made with rose-water, where there are foreigners as masters.
“Write while you can; for it is but the toss up of a paul that there will not be a row that will somewhat retard the mail by and by.