“In correcting the proofs you must refer to the manuscript, because there are in it various readings. Pray attend to this, and choose what Gifford thinks best. Let me hear what he thinks of the whole.
“You speak of Lady * *’s illness: she is not of those who die:—the amiable only do; and those whose death would do good live. Whenever she is pleased to return, it may be presumed she will take her ‘divining rod’ along with her: it may be of use to her at home, as well as to the ‘rich man’ of the Evangelists.
“Pray do not let the papers paragraph me back to England. They may say what they please, any loathsome abuse but that. Contradict it.
“My last letters will have taught you to expect an explosion
here: it was primed and loaded, but they hesitated to fire the train. One of the cities
shirked from the league. I cannot write more at large for a thousand reasons. Our
‘puir hill folk’ offered to strike, and raise the first banner, but Bologna
paused; and now ’tis autumn, and the season half over. ‘O Jerusalem!
Jerusalem!’ The Huns are on the Po; but if once they pass it on their way to
Naples, all Italy will be behind them. The dogs—the wolves—may they perish like the host
of Sennacherib!
A. D. 1820. | LIFE OF LORD BYRON. | 343 |