“You owe me two letters—pay them. I want to know what you
are about. The summer is over, and you will be back to Paris. Apropos of Paris, it was
not Sophia Gail, but
Sophia Gay—the English
A. D. 1820. | LIFE OF LORD BYRON. | 359 |
“Have you gone on with your Poem? I have received the French of mine. Only think of being traduced into a foreign language in such an abominable travesty! It is useless to rail, but one can’t help it.
“Have you got my Memoir copied? I have begun a continuation. Shall I send it you, as far as it is gone?
“I can’t say any thing to you about Italy, for the Government here look upon me with a suspicious eye, as I am well informed. Pretty fellows!—as if I, a solitary stranger, could do any mischief. It is because I am fond of rifle and pistol shooting, I believe; for they took the alarm at the quantity of cartridges I consumed—the wiseacres!
“You don’t deserve a long letter—nor a letter at all—for your silence. You have got a new Bourbon, it seems, whom they have christened ‘Dieu-donné;’—perhaps the honour of the present may be disputed. Did you write the good lines on ——, the Laker? * *
“The Queen has made a pretty theme for the journals. Was there ever such evidence published? Why, it is worse than ‘Little’s Poems’ or ‘Don Juan.’ If you don’t write soon, I will ‘make you a speech.’