“I am very much pleased with what you say of Switzerland, and will ponder upon it. I would rather she married there than here for that matter. For fortune, I shall make all that I can spare (if I live and she is correct in her conduct), and if I die before she is settled, I have left her by will five thousand pounds, which is a fair provision out of England for a natural child. I shall increase it all I can, if circumstances permit me; but, of course (like all other human things), this is very uncertain.
“You will oblige me very much by interfering to have the facts of the play-acting stated, as these scoundrels appear to be organizing a system of abuse against me, because I am in their ‘list.’ I care nothing for their criticism, but the matter of fact. I have written four acts of another tragedy, so you see they can’t bully me.
“You know, I suppose, that they actually keep a list of all individuals in Italy who dislike them—it must be
numerous. Their suspicions and actual alarms, about my conduct and presumed intentions
in the late row, were truly ludicrous—though not to bore you, I touched upon them
lightly. They believed, and still believe here, or affect to believe it, that the whole
plan and project of rising was settled by me, and the
488 | NOTICES OF THE | A. D. 1821. |