Letters and Journals of Lord Byron
Lord Byron to John Murray, 22 July 1821
“Ravenna, July 22d, 1821.
The printer has done wonders;—he has read what I cannot—my own
“I oppose the ‘delay till
winter:’ I am particularly anxious to print while the winter
theatres are closed, to gain time, in case they try their former piece of
politeness. Any loss shall be considered in our contract, whether
occasioned by the season or other causes; but print away, and publish.
“I think they must own that I have more styles than one. ‘Sardanapalus’ is, however, almost a comic character: but, for that
matter, so is Richard the Third. Mind the unities, which are my great object of research. I am glad that
Gifford likes it: as for ‘the
million,’ you see I have carefully consulted any thing but the taste of the day for extravagant ‘coups de
theatre.’ Any probable loss, as I said before, will be allowed for in
our accompts. The reviews (except one or two, Blackwood’s, for instance) are cold enough; but never mind those
fellows: I shall send them to the right about, if I take it into my head. I always found
the English baser in some things than any other nation. You
stare, but it’s true as to gratitude,—perhaps, because they
are prouder, and proud people hate obligations.
“The tyranny of the Government here is breaking out. They
have exiled about a thousand people of the best families all over the Roman states. As
many of my friends are amongst them, I think of moving too, but not till I have had your
answers. Continue your address to me here,
as usual, and quickly. What you will not be sorry ![]()
A. D. 1821. | LIFE OF LORD BYRON. | 501 |
to hear is, that the poor of the
place, hearing that I meant to go, got together a petition to the Cardinal to request that he would
request me to remain. I only heard of it a day or two ago, and it
is no dishonour to them nor to me; but it will have displeased the higher powers, who
look upon me as a Chief of the Coalheavers. They arrested a servant of mine for a street
quarrel with an officer (they drew upon one another knives and pistols), but as the officer was out of uniform, and in the wrong besides, on my
protesting stoutly, he was released. I was not present at the affray, which happened by
night near my stables. My man (an Italian), a very stout, and not over-patient
personage, would have taken a fatal revenge afterwards, if I had not prevented him. As
it was, he drew his stiletto, and, but for passengers, would have carbonadoed the
captain, who, I understand, made but a poor figure in the quarrel, except by beginning
it. He applied to me, and I offered him any satisfaction, either by turning away the
man, or otherwise, because he had drawn a knife. He answered that a reproof would be
sufficient. I reproved him; and yet, after this, the shabby dog complained to the Government,—after being quite satisfied, as he said. This roused me, and I gave them a remonstrance which had some
effect. The captain has been reprimanded, the servant released, and the business at
present rests there.”
William Gifford (1756-1826)
Poet, scholar, and editor who began as a shoemaker's apprentice; after Oxford he
The Baviad (1794),
The Maeviad
(1795), and
The Satires of Juvenal translated (1802) before becoming
the founding editor of the
Quarterly Review (1809-24).
John Murray II (1778-1843)
The second John Murray began the
Quarterly Review in 1809 and
published works by Scott, Byron, Austen, Crabbe, and other literary notables.
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine. (1817-1980). Begun as the
Edinburgh Monthly Magazine,
Blackwood's assumed the name of its proprietor, William Blackwood after the sixth
number. Blackwood was the nominal editor until 1834.