The body is embarked, in what ship I know not, neither could I enter into the details; but the Countess G. G. has had the goodness to give the necessary orders to Mr. Dunn, who superintends the embarkation, and will write to you. I wish it to be buried in Harrow church.
“There is a spot in the churchyard, near the footpath, on the brow of the hill looking towards Windsor, and a tomb under a large tree (bearing the name of Peachie, or Peachey), where I used to sit for hours and hours when a boy. This was my favourite spot; but as I wish to erect a tablet to her memory, the body had better be deposited in the church. Near the door, on the left hand as you enter, there is a monument with a tablet containing these words:—
‘When Sorrow weeps o’er Virtue’s sacred dust, Our tears become us, and our grief is just: Such were the tears she shed, who grateful pays This last sad tribute of her love and praise.’ |
* Here follows a repetition of the details given on this subject to Sir Walter Scott and others. |
† A hill, three or four miles from Leghorn, much resorted to, as place of residence during the summer months. |
596 | NOTICES OF THE | A. D. 1822. |
In Memory of
Daughter of G. G. Lord Byron,
who died at Bagna Cavallo,
in Italy, April 20th, 1822,
aged five years and three months.
‘I shall go to her, but she shall not return to
2d Samuel, xii. 23.
“The funeral I wish to be as private as is consistent with decency; and I could hope that Henry Drury will, perhaps, read the service over her. If he should decline it, it can be done by the usual minister for the time being. I do not know that I need add more just now.
“Since I came here, I have been invited by the Americans on
board their squadron, where I was received with all the kindness which I could wish, and
with more ceremony than I am fond of. I found them finer ships
than your own of the same class, well manned and officered. A number of American
gentlemen also were on board at the time, and some ladies. As I was taking leave, an
American lady asked me for a rose which I wore, for the purpose,
she said, of sending to America something which I had about me, as a memorial. I need
not add that I felt the compliment properly. Captain
Chauncey showed me an American and very pretty edition of my poems, and
offered me a passage to the United States, if I would go there. Commodore Jones was also not less kind and attentive. I
have since received the enclosed letter, desiring me to sit for my picture for some
Americans. It is singular that, in the same year that Lady
Noel leaves by will an interdiction for my daughter to see her father’s portrait for many years, the
individuals of a nation not remarkable for their liking to the English in particular,
nor for flattering men in general, request me to sit for my ‘pourtraicture,’
as Baron Bradwardine calls it. I am also told of
considerable literary
A. D. 1822. | LIFE OF LORD BYRON. | 597 |
“Goëthe and the Germans are particularly fond of Don Juan, which they judge of as a work of art. I had heard something of this before through Baron Lutzerode. The translations have been very frequent of several of the works, and Goëthe made a comparison between Faust and Manfred.
“All this is some compensation for your English native brutality, so fully displayed this year to its highest extent.
“I forgot to mention a little anecdote of a different kind. I went over the Constitution (the Commodore’s flag-ship), and saw, among other things worthy of remark, a little boy born on board of her by a sailor’s wife. They had christened him ‘Constitution Jones.’ I, of course, approved the name; and the woman added, ‘Ah, sir, if he turns out but half as good as his name!’