“I return you the proofs revised. Your printer has made one
odd mistake:—‘Poor as a mouse,’ instead of
‘poor as a miser.’ The expression may seem strange,
but it is only a translation of ‘semper avarus eget.’ You
will add the Mystery, and publish as soon as you can. I care nothing for your
‘season,’ nor the blue approbations or
disapprobations. All that is to be considered by you on the subject is as a matter of
business; and if I square that to your notions (even to the
running the risk entirely myself), you may permit me to choose my own time and mode of
publication. With regard to the late volume, the present run against it or me may impede it for a time, but it has the vital
598 | NOTICES OF THE | A. D. 1822. |
“P.S. Please to send me the Dedication of Sardanapalus to Goëthe. I shall prefix it to Werner, unless you prefer my putting another, stating that the former had been omitted by the publisher.
“On the title-page of the present volume, put ‘Published for the Author by J. M.’”