“Last week I returned you the packet of proofs. You had, perhaps, better not publish in the same volume the Po and Rimini translation.
“I have consigned a letter to Mr.
John Hunt for the ‘Vision of
Judgment,’ which you will hand over to him. Also the ‘Pulci,’ original and Italian, and
any prose tracts of mine; for Mr. Leigh
Hunt is arrived here, and thinks of commencing a periodical work, to which
I shall contribute. I do not propose to you to be the publisher, because I know
A. D. 1822. | LIFE OF LORD BYRON. | 605 |
“With regard to what you say about your ‘want of memory,’ I can only remark, that you inserted the note to Marino Faliero against my positive revocation, and that you omitted the Dedication of Sardanapalus to Goëthe (place it before the volume now in the press), both of which were things not very agreeable to me, and which I could wish to be avoided in future, as they might be with a very little care, or a simple memorandum in your pocket-book.
“It is not impossible that I may have three or four cantos of Don Juan ready by autumn, or a little later, as I obtained a permission from my dictatress to continue it,—provided always it was to be more guarded and decorous and sentimental in the continuation than in the commencement. How far these conditions have been fulfilled may be seen, perhaps, by-and-by; but the embargo was only taken off upon these stipulations. You can answer at your leisure.