William Godwin: his Friends and Contemporaries
Ch. X. 1819-1824
William Morgan to William Godwin, 6 November 1820
. . . “I have delayed acknowledging the receipt of
your valuable present, till I had time to examine it thoroughly, that I might
be better able to give my opinion of it. I can now assure you, with great
truth, that I have carefully read the whole of your answer to Mr Malthus with much
pleasure and instruction, and am fully convinced that you have given the
death-blow to his geometrical and arithmetical ratios. It might have been
thought that a system so disgusting could not have required any great effort to
destroy it: but the popularity of Mr
Malthus’s publication has proved the contrary: and I think
the public are much indebted to you for quieting their alarms, and for exposing
the folly and impiety of a system which made the kind and benevolent Author of
Nature to appoint vice and misery as his agents in the world. I do not know
whether you have not granted too much in supposing that the existence of the
present population may be preserved by four children to a marriage. If half the
inhabitants die before they attain the age of 21, as in the Northampton Tables,
which give the mean probabilities very
fairly, what compensates for the bachelors and old
maids? Illegitimate births may do a little towards it, but certainly not
enough. I have always thought that 4½ children, or more, are necessary, and
therefore that Dr Franklin’s 8 children (if such a mean ever existed)
would not be sufficient to double the number in the way he mentions. It should
also be observed that the inhabitants of America are remarkably short-lived,
which proves an earlier decay of their constitution, and consequently a shorter
period for procreation. This goes a little way towards strengthening your
argument with respect to America, but it really wants no assistance. I am
myself convinced that population fluctuates in all parts of the world. In some
it becomes less, in others greater: but I cannot subscribe to your opinion that
the human race may become extinct, any more than I can to that of Mr
Malthus that they are in danger of increasing so fast as to
render it our duty to check it, by divesting ourselves of our best and noblest
feelings, in relieving or preserving the lives of our fellow-creatures.”
Thomas Robert Malthus (1766-1834)
English political economist educated at Jesus College, Cambridge; he was author of
An Essay on the Principles of Population (1798; 1803).