“——As you mean to quit Southend this day seven-night, I do not think it likely that I shall avail myself of your kind invitation, though I am deeply sensible of the obligation I owe you in it, since by giving it you shew your indulgence to a decrepit, superannuated old fellow, while you are good enough to praise things to yourself in false colours, and convert what would really be a pain into the image and superscription of a pleasure.
“I called yesterday on Bentley, and found him, as usual, not at home. I left a note,
saying that I will call again on Saturday, whether to see him or not I know
not. I am miserable under the weight of this uncertainty, feeling myself able
and willing to do everything, and do it well, and nobody disposed to give me
the requisite encouragement. If I can agree with these tyrants in Burlington
Street for £300, £400, or £500 for a novel, and to be subsisted by them while I
write it, I probably shall not starve for a