“Dear Wm.,—I’m very uncapable of writing now, but would have you loose no time waiting for the fall of Stocks, put yr. £25 out to a bank which gives 4 pr. cent., as Carrisons of Norwich, am sorry its loosing interest waiting the fall, I know the buying in or selling out ever so small a sum is 2s. 6d. brokrage, the same as one hundred. Let me know it is in in your name, and I will rest myself sattisfied that you will act a father’s part to your brother’s Josh. children for wish not to be encumber’d any further. I am next June 21 new stile 78 years of age, and find my days attended with labour and sorrow, wish to be desolv’d and be with Christ, not my will but the will of my God in Xt be done, think myself obleged to you that Joe’s son Wm. is got into the blue Coat school. I know If its in his mother’s power to unsettle him or
“I gave yr. thanks to Hullys wife for ye. Turkey the Farmers now don’t put them up to fat only give them corn in ye. yard for their own use or to sell yet will not sell them under 10d pr pound, and country carriers extortion very much I sent a brace of chickens to Joseph ye. carrier wou’d fain have had is to Norwich but at last with many words took 8d ye. London carrs. is but 1s & 1d booking will have 3 half pence if more than 8 pound all above. O this dreadful war what will become the midle sort as well as ye. poor malt 46 pr Coomb and 8d and 9d. for pork a pound, Saccages 1s veal 6½, bread 4d per lb fine flower 7s per sto I wish you coud advise Hanh. to be more frugal you can do more with her than anybody in particular her Sundays excurtions she will never be in better case till she alter that and go to a place where ye. word of God is preached but that is unfashonable We have souls and therefore are not at liberty to live as ye. bruits that have no life after this. Its a mercy yr. children have got over ye. measles so well but there is a great duty belongs to you to instruct them in the word of God in their youth for they are nateraly prone to vanity and idleness there is no need to teach them that
“Mrs H Godwin is near her time they Joine me in wishing you hapyness Natty also
“Yr. affecate. Mother
“Yr. Sister will not its likely be long before she sends or if G pleas when ye. have put out yr. money may write by post Mr Copland has sold his farm so Tim Tomson leves it next Mic”