“. . . . You will inevitably meet with some young men whose academical pursuits are a lien and burthensome to them; they will tempt you to dissipation, and the only security you can have against infection is a severe frugality of your time, and, in subordination to that, of your money: count your hours; be not prone to pity yourself, and say, Well, for this day I have done enough for my strength. Give me a sketch of what acquaintance you make, and how you spend your time.
“Let me have, as soon as possible, the proper certificates and documents, to enable me to apply to the city companies for their exhibitions. I foresee we shall have considerable difficulty in meeting the expenses of the university, let us be as frugal and active as we will. I have heard of college exhibitions by which somehow or other the receiver is ultimately out of pocket: you will, of course, be on your guard against such.
“I have been told of 300 books or volumes of which
your father made you a present, previous to your going to Cambridge. I think I
should have heard of this from you. Having undertaken the superintendence of
your affairs, I had a right to be acquainted with all
“I enclose two pounds as a small supplement to your finances. If you have any necessary demands against you, more than I am aware of, you must not scruple to let me know.”