“If I had not known you had another copy of ‘The Wife of Antwerp,’ I should have been in a great fidget
about keeping this so long. I always meant to send it to London by Mrs. Ellice, and her departure is fixed for next
Tuesday. At her house then (57, Park Street, Grosvenor Square) you will find it; and she
bids me say she will be delighted to see you, and that you must
call for it, and that she will not send it to you. I studied the
play and made myself mistress of the handwriting, and read it off like print to our
party, who were all exceedingly pleased and interested by it. Have you made any
alterations since you read it here? It is much
“These are merely loose suggestions for your better judgment. If they set you thinking your own thoughts (for they must be your own for you to express them effectively), I have done all I wished. We have so many heroines with grand characters and high sentiments, why not give interest to what is most weakly feminine? * * * Now, think away, and if anything should occur that may improve the mere management of the incidents of the play, don’t be idle. If you should be so kind as to write to say you have received the MS., and forgive all my nonsense, pray say a word of Mr. Kemble and others in the New World.
“Pray excuse this incoherent scrawl; I am in company, and
talking to several others as well as to
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