“I have been very idle; for, first, I went to stay a week at
Crake’s; then I staid the best part of a
fortnight at Holly Lodge; then I went to the Dean of St.
Paul’s for all the working days of the week, from Sunday to Sunday,
who has taken up his Summer residence at a very pretty place near Bagshot, a village
which now stands in the midst of cultivated land and flowery hedgerows, but which I was
wont to pass through, on the top of the Portsmouth coach, as a sort of lodge in the
wilderness, surrounded by a desolate extent of heath. What changes we live to see! And
to-day I am going for a fortnight to the Osbornes, (Sutgrave House,
Cirencester, Gloucestershire), intending, if weather suit, to take a look at
I have done, and had copied, subject to your approval, everything to
the end of 1810, and should like to have the letters which are in your hands, to go on
with the work after my return from the Osbornes. We must print
them, for she evidently took great pains with them; but how much inferior Miss Mitford’s letters to Sir William Elford are to those which she dashed off to
her father and mother! There is a great deal of life and spirit in her ordinary style,
when she lets her words drop from her pen without any premeditation, at the prompting of
her emotions; but in the elaborated letters there is hardly any merit but high, cold
polish, and all freshness of thought is lost in care about the expression. I think we
ADVICE. | 269 |
“You seem to have had a most delightful voyage. I wish I had been with you, but am very glad that you did not buy the house that you looked at on the banks of the Blackwater! What would you have done there? Besides, if you ever take up your abode in Ireland, it must be on your own property, where there are duties to fulfil which are sufficient to give an interest and business to life the moment a man sets his heart earnestly to the discharge of them. I must now end my letter as it is necessary for me to prepare for leaving home. But let me hear of you, and tell me when you are likely to be in town again. I shall send this to Clifton, as there is no guessing where you and your yacht (I hope the word is spelt right), may be; and with the kindest regards from my sister and cousin,