“I feel quite ashamed of having so long delayed acknowledging the receipt of your parcel with, the letters. I have intended to do it every morning since they arrived; but I have had so much to do here, that by post-time I have felt that unpleasant feeling in my old brain which warned me that I had done enough, and that it would be useless, if not wrong, for me to keep my head over paper, with a pen in my hand, any longer.
“This is the sole impediment to my being as good and regular a
correspondent as I should wist to be. I’m getting very old, and my pericranium
very weak . . . I doubt if I shall be able to do the parish work. My stay in town will
be protracted to the middle of October. I’m then invited to Clumber; but I have
not answered the Duchess to say whether I will go or not; for—whether it’s
age or this continued damp, I know not—I really feel too weak and inapt for
society to have any inclination for leaving home. Your friend Mrs. D—— has a
little girl: she is doing very well, but was rather suffering from the weather when I
called to inquire after her yesterday. But I had the good luck to find her
“In London, with nothing to do, I have been reading Baker’s ‘Journey in Search of the Albert (Nyanza) Lake,’ and ‘the Source of the Nile.’ It has interested me a good deal; not but that I think him a most bumptious and self-laudatory individual, who quite as often disgusts me with his conceit as he excites my wonder by his spirit of enterprise and powers of endurance. As for his wife, who accompanied him in his troubles among savages—dragged through mud and broiling through deserts—she must have been something far stronger in mind and body than the ordinary members of her sex. It is defrauding the curiosity of the public not to lead her about the country as a show.
“On Majendie’s
return I shall go to the sea, certainly, to get up strength, and be home by the
beginning of December to shut myself up comfortably for the Winter. I hear that, when
old Mitford was engaged to his wife, she had a