The Autobiography of William Jerdan
Ch. 12: G. P. R. James
No work e’er gained true fame or ever can,
But what did honour to the name of man.— Young.
Sing a song of sixpence.—Baby
Harmonious friendships formed about the period of which I am now
recalling the prominent passages, and cemented by uninterrupted cordiality and increase of
esteem to the present day, except where the dissolver of all earthly ties has broken them
off; and many gratifying connections of a slighter nature, in contributing to which, my
good offices were no minor recommendation, the remembrances of which often delight me on
casual meetings, yet with those who are only too prone to magnify their value; and the
admission on favourable terms to an enlarged circle of the highest society, now entered
very considerably into the routine and essence of my life.
These three ingredients gradually made great alterations in my position,
and shaped nearly the entire course of my public pursuits and private habits. Among the
warm friend-![]()
ships to which I may allude, there is
not one more sincere, more lasting, or more grateful to my feelings, than that which I have
the honour and delight to couple with the admired and estimable name of G. P. R. James. I think it was the production of
“The Ruined City,†
for private circulation, which first introduced us to each other; and from that hour (I
remember the pleasure I received from his volunteering a trial of his skill occasionally in
the “Gazette†), I now look back on
a quarter of a century, upon a close intercourse of minds and hearts, without a passing
shade to dull its bright and cheering continuity. I need not dwell on those voluminous
writings which have placed Mr. James in the very foremost rank of our
national fictitious literature; nor need I, in his case, illustrate my theme of the
uncertainty of literature as a remunerative pursuit—with a private fortune, and the genius
which has produced so many admirable works, the author has now fallen back upon a consulate
at Norfolk, in America, where, if report speaks truth, he is exposed even to danger in
consequence of petty resentments against something he wrote long ago about Slavery!—but, I
may say, from nearer and more abundant observation than the world could attain, that the
utmost appreciation of his genius must fall short of what is due to his personal worth and
nobility of nature. As no author ever excelled him in the purity and rectitude of his
publications,—every tone of which tends to inspire just moral sentiment, and exalted
virtue, and brotherly love, and universal benevolence, and the improvement, carrying with
it the progress and happiness of his fellow-creatures,—so no man in private life ever more
zealously practised the precepts which he taught, and was charitable, liberal, and
generous, ay, beyond the measure of cold prudence, and without an atom of selfish reserve.
To his fellow-labourers on the oft-ungrateful soil ![]()
of letters, he was
ever indulgent and munificent; and were this the fitting time, I could record acts of his
performing that would shed a lustre on any character, however celebrated in merited
biographical panegyric. I trust I may state, without compromising the privacy of friendly
confidence, that I knew him, as he was ever ready to make sacrifices to friendship,
sacrifice half a fortune, legally in his possession, to a mere point of honourable, I might
say, romantically honourable feeling, and founded indeed on one of those family romances in
which we find fact more extraordinary than fiction; and amongst lesser instances of his
general sympathies for all who stood in need of succour, I may mention his procuring me the
gratification of handing over 75l. to the Literary Fund, as the
price received from Messrs. Colburn and Bentley for a MS., entitled “The String of Pearls.” To this Fund I have
already referred, but I may here also notice, that almost contemporaneously with
Mr. James’s gift, my Lord Mulgrave (now
Marquis of Normanby) enabled me by a similar
transaction to add 50l. more to the subscription—proving the valid
title I have to claim the character of having been one of its most zealous and successful
supporters, for which I am sorry to say I received a very ungracious return. But let that
pass; though the above and other liberal benefactions which were wont to figure in the
annual lists as they ought, were it only pour encourager les
autres, have been dropt out of them without a record,—a piece of
ingratitude, the very reverse of the practice pursued by every other charitable institution
in London, which are anxious to keep recorded on their annual books, from first to last,
the names of those to whom they have been indebted for even the smallest services.*
Another of the cherished intimacies which grew out of
this date, and which was fruitful of years of after
enjoyments, was with John Carne, the amiable and
much esteemed author of “Letters from
the East,” and other very interesting and justly popular works. When in
London our habits led to almost daily familiar intercourse, and when my friends (for I
gladly include the congenial wife, sister of
Mr. Lane, the admired artist), retired to their
country home, my excursions to Cornwall, with its charms of scenery, attractions of mines
and museums, and circles of social hospitalities, furnished recreations such as only slaves
of the pen can fully appreciate. Cornwall seems to me to be the most interesting county in
the island, though Derbyshire possesses many striking features; and at Penzance and
Falmouth the well-known scientific mineral and natural collections of Mr. Joseph Carne and Mr.
Fox, as well as the superior intelligence of their owners (worthy
compatriots of Davies Gilbert and Sir Humphry Davy) supplied very gratifying additional
sources of pleasure and instruction. I would fain mention another friend who pertained to
this party-period, Mr. Bartlett, soon after our
consul at Corunna, whence, during his residence, Grove-House had Ude or Soyer-like cause to rejoice
in the gastronomic products of Spain, whose boars’-heads and hams, and Val de
Peñas wines from La Mancha often gave a certain degree of culinary and cellular
celebrity to its otherwise ordinary entertainments, and added a something to the genial
welcome it tried to offer to its guests and friends. There is a common and most mistaken
idea prevalent in the world that good taste and neatness are costly; whereas there is
nothing on earth less expensive. You sit down to an adequately provided and superiorly
arranged table, or, on the contrary, you find matters so heterogeneously got together and
so clumsily set out, that you fare in the style called hugger-mugger, and the rather ![]()
recherché and enjoyable dinner shall not
amount to half the price of the more animal-like feed. A fine and cultivated palate is
certainly fastidious, but by no means necessarily extravagant. The zest is in “a
grace, a manner, a decorum”—an “elegant sufficiency, content,” and not in
heaping Pelions of meat on Ossas of fish in superabundant disorder, till “the sense
aches at it.” I had also, at this time, an old townsman and friend, from the West
Indies, travelling on the continent for his health; and he, like
Bartlett, was fond of remitting a dozen or two, now and then, of
any curious wines he happened to encounter. It was not so dear as the port or sherry in
home consumption, but it made a figure in the provender of my roof, was not without its
influence in drawing together those who could relish it and aid my pursuits and work, nor
yet without its being afterwards remembered as a proof of imprudent wastefulness by some
who had drunk their full share of it without a warning, or a murmur, save a sigh of
satisfaction as it glided down their undeserving throats. The Val de Peñas, in this
way, might remind us of the sagacious squire from whose rocky confines it came, the
immortal Sancho; who in elevating the bottle to his
mouth appeared to take a deliberate aim at the moon, and when his copious draught was
finished, stroked his fair round stomach, and exclaimed—“Good liquor, by the
Lord!” One sample of the French wine, a claret, may be noted as affording a
new reading to a verse in an old Scotch song, the meaning of which was doubtful.
Blythe, blythe, and bonny was she;
Blythe was she, but and ben;
Weel she lo’ed a Hawick gill,
But better far a Tappit hen!
A Hawick gill was understood to be at least a mutchkin or English pint,
and the Tappit hen was explained, a crested ![]()
hen, and
the name given to a quart measure of ale or beer with a top of froth or foam. But the
bottles in which this wine, in quantity between a quart and a magnum, was kept, in a moment
asserted its right to the title, on other than antiquarian conjectures; for the cork was
covered in a peculiar way with wax, so as to present to the eye the most perfect
resemblance to the tappit hen, or hen with a top-knot or tuft. Every one who saw it
recognised the likeness in a moment; and I shall only add that the fell swoop which
demolished the last of my tender chickens (without a dam) was committed, on a return after
coffee to the dining-room, by John Murray, William Murray of the Edinburgh theatre, one of the best
of social companions, Owen Rees, and two or three
other convives, who took it into their heads that
a novelty of this sort ought not to be left, like an indifferent publication or a poor
play, on hand.
“Tell us more about yourself,” has been a call made on me in
consequence of my preceding volumes: “we want to hear of the ways of life of a
literary man,” and I hope this will be my excuse to readers of other minds for the
foregoing, and all similar passages of a personal description. Grove House for a dozen of
years was a centre for social, literary, intellectual, and political reunions, that could
hardly be surpassed. Of ease and welcome there was plenty; of etiquette and ceremony there
was none. After this fashion, from the youngest struggler and disappointed aspirant in
literature, science, and arts, to the most successful in every branch of human effort, the
author, the inventor, the artist, and the loftiest in rank and station of the land,
ministers of state, and nobility, who were the patrons of learning and genius, all
condescended to encourage my earnest endeavours in the cause, and associate with me on
terms too flattering to be thought of except with the deepest sense of gratitude.
And here I must beg to remark upon this high and gratifying career, and
the vicissitudes which followed it, that even had self-interest been the motive for
indulging in it, any man looking much farther a-head for his own advancement than ever it
was in my nature to do, might (wisely calculating) have adopted the same course for the
sake of promoting his own fortunes and securing his ambitious objects. As I may have by and
by to show, it conducted me to a point where the turn of a feather defeated my achieving a
position, that opened the path to independence (not precarious) and distinction of a more
ostensible kind than I could ever hope to attain by the exercise of my limited talents in
the higher walks of literature. I, for one, could not blame any of my contemporaries, who
whilst they tasted the sweets and the emoluments of great popularity, lived as if their
productions were like freehold estates, to endure for ever; and a little farther on
discovered that their possessions of the brain, situated on the domain of public mutability
or caprice, were liable to be gradually dissolved, and like the baseless fabric of a vision
leave little else than a wreck behind. On the contrary, I would sympathise with them and
grieve for their venial mistake. The intoxication of literary success gilds the present,
too gorgeously, and illumes the future too brilliantly, to admit readily of saucy doubts
and fears, and far less of rigid arithmetic and troublesome calculation. An individual
basking in the glorious sunshine is too apt to forget that fair and foul, blue sky and
cloud, alternate for ever, and that day is sure to be succeeded by night; and though I
cannot and do not stand forth as the apologist for foolish imprudence and reckless
improvidence, I must assert the generous principle, that such errors as I have pictured
throughout these volumes as likely to befal the studious writer busily occupied or absorbed
in ![]()
ideal dreaming, ought to be
viewed as pardonable blots, if blots at all, upon the escutcheon of moral worth, and, in
many cases, hardly as impeachments of worldly wisdom. The most popular authors have been
and are liable to sudden and severe reverses, from vicissitudes in “the Trade”
and in public opinion; and when such misfortunes befal them (checking the powers of
individuals seldom fortified by other resources), it seems to me that they are more
entitled to the benefit of every doubt in their favour, than to be dealt with as convicted
criminals in the inquests held on their mangled remains!
In my own particular instance, the emergence from the plunge under the
water in consequence of the panic and revulsion of credit in 1826, was indefinitely
protracted by my most prudential efforts. When called on, and in a vindictive manner too,
in consequence of the misrepresentation of an attorney, with the business confided to him
by the firm, to repay bank advances to the tune of from twelve to fourteen hundred pounds,
bringing the crush of more than double that amount on their back with them, I found myself
saddled with an establishment trenching closely up to my resources, and burthened with
between two and three hundred a year for life-assurances. It is true the attorney
acknowledged his mistake, in ascribing a neglect to me I had not committed, and on
compulsion, entered the apology in his own hand in his own letter-book, in the presence of
my friend sent to him to “know the reason why;” but the mischief to me had been
done, and I was crippled severely. And mark what ill-consequences may spring even out of
careful prescience. After having paid for years heavy premiums, I could, in most of them,
ill spare, a policy of £2,000 in the Equitable, mortgaged to the Rev. Dr. Warneford, the tremendous church-builder and most
tious of charity-benefactors, was sold at auction by his
directions for what it would bring, and all the happy results to which I had looked forward
sacrificed for a few hundred pounds. I have never since then read the announcements of
Dr. Warneford’s numerous magnificent donations for religious
and liberal purposes, without thinking how different his public acts were from his private
dealings; for his agents assured me they had represented in vain what a cruel blight this
sale would bring upon my family, and how it would crush my hopes, but the reverend
gentleman was as peremptory as Shylock, and such I was
told was his custom in regard to the management of his personal concerns.*
Another policy in the same office for £1,600 got out of my hands in
some other security for an annuity drain; and how it stands now I am ashamed to confess I
really do not know, but I have reason to believe that it is kept up by the parties, and is
sufficient, owing to my length of life, to make them more than safe in the transaction.
After the falsehood which led to resentful feelings alluded to in the last
page had been proved to be groundless,† and the cloud had passed away, my friendship
with Mr. George Twining was renewed, and continued
to his death; and, at his request, I had it somewhat in my power to bring into public
notice and popularity the first useful writings of Mr.
Senior, whose views I contributed much to recommend. With the other branches
of this respected family I have also restored amicable relations to the present hour.
* His honoured name will descend to posterity in connexion with many
splendid charities; but when I think of his hard griping usage to me I am apt to
exclaim: “By’r Lady he must build churches else.”—W. J.
† The attorney reported that I had neglected to pay the
insurance on my life, the policy being a banking security I had pledged myself to keep
up: hinc illæ lackrymæ. But I had paid it three weeks within the time it was
due, and only neglected to send the receipt, lying in the crowd of papers on my
desk.—W. J.
I mention some of these things without bitterness, though not always
without reproach. The conduct of the attorney alluded to created a coolness between my
friend Mr. George Twining and me which lasted some
time; for friendships interrupted any how, do not easily warm up and coalesce again, and
never, perhaps, return to their pristine fresh and boundless confidence—like certain
chemical and culinary preparations, in which an accidental chill is fatal to their
perfection. Even after the man confessed that he had been misinformed, and proceeded upon
the assumption that an act which was duly performed had not been performed, simply because
it had not been formally announced, matters and feelings were never perfectly restored to
their former footing. Yet cordiality to a less effervescent extent resumed its sway; and,
among other proofs, I remember Mr. Twining earnestly embarking my
literary services in the advent of the gentleman I have named, then commencing the arduous
career in which he has since risen to such prosperous eminence.
The private circumstances of a man completely immersed in literary
pursuits, are part and portion of his literary life, and therefore I offer no excuse for
these particulars. Mischances are forgotten in books, and injuries lost in the conception
of new thoughts, and absolute self-sufferings merged in the necessity for contemplating
unreal characters and imagined events. The study is the oblivion of the kitchen and
parlour; and, for the periodical writer, the public call concentrates in the internal
refuge the toils of the pen, the trials of all the external world.
I have more than once in this memoir had occasion to speak harshly of
persons connected with the law, and have reason enough to look upon the black sheep of that
profession as the great oppressors and curses of the community. ![]()
are placed in a bad position. All their interests are adverse to humanity, and their hearts
harden as they go on over-reaching, plundering, and desolating. They are exposed to more
temptations than any other class, and they see so much of the roguish side of society, that
they come by degrees to reconcile themselves to the idea of general depravity, and fall the
more readily into the odious rank. It requires great firmness and high honour to withstand
the seduction, but when these are found, what a noble character is made. Many of my most
intimate and valued friendships, affectionate, lasting, and sacred, as friendships of many
years do become, have been and continue with lawyers, both belonging to the bar and bench,
and the order of solicitors and attorneys. Knowing such as these, forces me to regret the
more, that so many of similar name in the profession should be such worthless embodiments
of evil and injury. There is a balance in all things. If I were asked whether I would
forego my present solace and gratifications in the intimacy of old friends, eminent
ornaments to various branches of the legal profession, to have redeemed (if possible) all
that I have suffered from the chicanery and rascality of base practitioners, I would pause
on the option, and, I think, abjure the worthless, and adhere to the worthy side.
’Tis pity the bad set have so much put in their power by angry, litigious, and often
blind and irrational people, to inflict the wrongs they do; but it looks as if the
rhymester spoke something near the truth when he wrote— Men are unanimous in every town, When once a man is down, to keep him down. |
In the year twenty-six, two countries at least were in financial
difficulties, viz., Greece and Great Britain. For the former a loan was negotiated, and for
the latter my ![]()
friend Mr. John Trotter and I prescribed a remedy. In the Greek Loan I happened
incidentally to become much interested in consequence of revelations made to me by
Captain Blaquiere, who was, indeed, heart and
soul, a true Philhellenist. His communications, I lament to repeat, involved the fair fame
of several personages still living, and enjoying high reputation in the world, respecting
whose alleged transactions I must be dumb. That the Greek cause was made a trading concern,
I cannot entertain a doubt; for I had certain proofs of that fact in my hands, and was
entrusted (see p. 154) to lay them before Mr.
Canning. His demeanour on the occasion I can but poorly describe. As the
names and the lights flashed upon him, he started up from his chair and paced the room,
uttering such broken sentences as these: “No, no. It is impossible! He could not
be guilty of such an act.” “* * * * * *!
Ah! bad. I could not have believed it. But he has been connected with strange
affairs.” “There is corruption in many unsuspected
places.” “Oh, this cannot be true, I would not believe his own
acknowledgment.” “* * * * * * * well, well
that may be, it is not unlikely.” “* * * *
pooh! must be an error.” And so throughout the whole, the final determination
being to take no notice of the complicated charges and unquestionable complicity of some of
the parties.
The truth had been previously hinted at in the “Literary Gazette,” at the close of the preceding year,
on the publication of Mr. Emerson’s, now Sir Emerson Tennent’s, first literary production,
“A Picture of Greece,”
and a work of so much intelligence and interest, that I awarded no less than three numbers
for its review; and I here rejoice in citing my justly fortunate friend as another example
of the clearness of my estimates of youthful talent (for he was ![]()
barely of age), and of the gratifying consequences flowing out of such
anticipations—sincere attachments during after life! In the last of these papers I had
observed, “But, ere we dismiss the matter altogether, we may be allowed to turn
from the foreign tales of Greece to those connected with it at home. What has become of
the Greek Committee in London? It never meets; it does nothing. Has the gambling rot of
speculation broken it up? and who of its members are to blame? Abominable jobs have
been practised with the loan and the Greek securities; the cause has, we suspect, been
made but the stalking-horse for greedy mercantile and private aims; and a country
risked, if not sacrificed, for the gain of pounds, shillings, and pence.” In
short, the whole transaction was disgraceful, and the more so as it was carried on with all
the cant of exalted sympathies in the glorious cause of emancipated Greece. The inglorious
cause of the Stock Exchange flourished upon it. Money could not even be found to educate
the five Greek boys Blaquiere brought over with him
for that beneficial purpose; and the sums which were sent to Greece were just enough to set
rival partisans to cut each other’s throats for their shares of the booty.
The scheme of National Polity and Finance was, while it lasted, an affair
of infinite planning, consideration, reconsideration, consultation, and trouble. My
excellent friend, Mr. Trotter, was in this, as in
all other matters to which he gave his mind, full of even restless energy and activity.
Before I left bed, and sometimes when late enough to have sent a seasonable hour-keeper to
it, his messengers would find their way to Grove House; and an answer to write to some
inquiry that had occurred to him, or a drive over to Connaught Place used to be for several
months my ![]()
frequent “call.” The
finished pamphlet, when published by Messrs. Longmans, was at any rate a literary if not a financial curiosity. It was
not paged, but the lines numbered, as is seen in long poems, 5, 10, 15, and so throughout
to 2855, the penultimate line of the publication. Blank leaves alternated for the use of
those whose observations were sought, and when I name Mr.
Huskisson, Sir Coutts Trotter, and
Mr. Booker among the number, I need not say that the best opinions
and the most weighty objections were courted. The project excited considerable attention,
and much correspondence upon it ensued. Good or bad, impracticable or feasible, the
bullionist theory of the day was too firmly fixed for our scheme, as it has been for all
its successors ever since; yet as there are still not a few statisticians who fancy that,
even in spite of Californian and Australian gold fields, a paper currency, founded upon
other bases than the precious metal, would be the safest and best for our commercial
country, I will devote a few lines to its illustration. Lord
Liverpool laid the foundation when, in the House of Lords, he opposed the
dogma that “nothing was better than a paper circulation convertible into
gold,” and said, “My Lords, for my part, I believe the proposition to be
fallacious, and only true to this extent,—that such a circulation carries its own cure
along with it. I repeat, the thing is evil, but carries its own remedy. And what remedy
is that, my Lords? We have all witnessed its effects lately; we can trace it in the
past ruin, and the now subsiding panic; it is visible in the ruin of trade, the
confusion of the money-market, and the total destruction of public and private
confidence. It is a cure, my Lords, which is operated by the misery of the poor, the
destruction of the rich, the loss of thousands, and the ruin of hundreds of thousands.
This is the objection, the vital
objection, to a paper circulation convertible into coin. It is a
doctrine carrying with it destruction to property, and utter ruin to credit, public as
well as private.”
Entertaining the same opinion, and holding that it was the true object of
every description of currency to mate the value of property as steady and as little
variable as possible, Mr. Trotter matured and
brought out his project with admirable perseverance. It purported to ensure the country a
sound, settled, unchangeable, and imperishable currency, a currency of real value,
representing absolute tangible property, and, from the ampleness of its security, not being
subject to question or depreciation from any cause whatever, by fabricating a sterling national paper, founded on landed and funded property, and
issued and controlled under responsibility as doubtless and lasting as the British
Constitution itself, in every respect, therefore, preferable and preferred to gold! And the
main principles were thus enunciated:—
“1stly. It is proposed, that government shall stamp all the
paper (as well as bullion) intended to be issued as the current money of the country:
that the notes so framed and executed shall be deemed the lawful currency of the realm;
and in order to prevent the evils attendant on the abuse of issuing notes without
limit, it shall be unlawful for any banker, or others, to issue any other notes than
those so framed and executed.
“2ndly. That there be established one national bank, from which
alone the said notes shall be issued for circulation.
“3rdly. That all bankers, or others, requiring notes for
circulation, shall apply for the same to the National Bank; to which, previously to
their receiving the said notes, they shall pledge, as a security of the payment of the
same, either freehold land or funded property, unencumbered, of the value ![]()
of two hundred pounds sterling money for one
hundred pounds sterling paper currency, and at the same rate for any sum whatever.
“4thly. That there he kept, subject to public inspection, a
national register, in which shall be registered a full description of the security
pledged, its bonâ fide value, and the
proprietor’s name and address.
“This is the principle of the plan. The land of England shall be
coined to a certain limit, and a part of the funded wealth of the country shall be
convertible into a circulating medium—double, or a greater proportion of both, being
pledged in security to the note-holder, from one pound to millions of pounds.
“Hence we think we may have abundance without superfluity; we
may have abundance combined with perfect security; we may have abundance subject to
prudent regulation. To what height of prosperity such a currency is capable of raising
a country, we shall not pretend to determine; but we are free to express our firm
persuasion, that if the principle were considered to be inapplicable to an old people,
and were yet acted upon by a new government (firmly established, so as to impart to it
the needful confidence and stability), it would speedily render that nation the
greatest upon the face of the earth.”
The “Times”
newspaper (the organ of the metallic school), in an elaborate article admitted that
“this would unquestionably furnish us with a more economical circulation than
that consisting of the precious metals, and one to which no reasonable objection could
be made on the score of security,” but objected that in times of
embarrassment, when the temptation to abuse was strongest, the government of the day might
depreciate it by increasing the issues to an infinite amount. I need scarcely add that by
perpetual publicity and ![]()
other guards, Mr.
Trotter had completely provided against the possibility of such an abuse.
This is not the time or place however to occupy my readers with the
details of our system. It was established on a Ledger Credit, in which the securities
mortgaged for the required issues were inscribed; and these issues regulated according to
the wants of the larger and smaller, nearest and most remote circles (subdivided into
districts or parishes), which demanded them for a circulating medium within their limits.
Many other advantages were predicated of the plan, viz., such as its doing away with
public-house resorts, preventing forgery, acting as passports to ensure the safety of the
bearers, fulfilling all the uses of road or travelling notes, putting an end to gambling
with foreign exchanges, and finally as reducing taxation to a very considerable extent. The
general result was to be a sound currency, susceptible of constant adjustment and
arrangement—ample, but not superabundant—equable and shared, to their comfort, by the lower
classes of society—not exposed to be affected by panics; and permeating, like the vital
stream, through every minute vessel, as well as the larger arteries and veins of the body
politic, so as to vivify and invigorate its every fibre. Between April and December my
friend and I laboured on this plan, and ultimately laid it before the public as perfectly
calculated for “establishing a sound and settled currency, liable to no
fluctuations, but susceptible of easy and perpetual regulation, as circumstances
required; representing real property, and being doubly, or more than doubly, secured;
preserving the precious metals, and precluding the possibility of panic; being liable
to neither redundancy nor scarcity; affording essential relief to the people by sharing
among the many what now feeds overgrown monopoly, and lightening taxation; and in fine,
combining all the great and all the humbler
interests of the community in one bond of union beneficial to the whole;”—and
we summed up thus: “We have proposed what we consider to be unobjectionable in
theory, and readily practicable in execution; and we are sincerely convinced, that if
our plan were adopted and acted upon (either entirely at once, or partially by way of
experiment), that it must lead to unbounded prosperity and the highest human happiness
in our native land. This we assume, also, not merely upon our own views and
impressions; but because in all the discussion, public and private, to which the
measure has given rise, not one radical objection has been alleged against its
foundations, nor one tenable argument urged against its details, nor one dark
foreboding thrown forward over the bright prospects which it holds out.
“Instead of a currency of every kind and colour, furnished by
individual interests for the sake of individual profits, tending chiefly to realise
those emoluments, and not directed to a common end, we have demonstrated the means of
having a circulation belonging to the people, and having no other destination but the
common good. We have shown that the concern of government with this Design of a National and public Credit, and a National and public Bank, could
be no source of unconstitutional influence, though a matter of the most anxious
care,—since every government would serve itself in promoting the general diffusion of
wealth, ease, tranquillity, and contentment. It would be an Argus to regulate the machine, so that it should not go wrong, rather than a
power to prescribe or control its operations. By the simple fact of making our Sterling Note a legal tender for taxes and government annuities,
and not convertible at the will of the holder, it would stamp and recognise this
currency with sufficient character, and by returns and ![]()
in these two ways alone, create an annual circulation (in a circle, if we may say so,
pervading the entire kingdom) of Thirty Millions in every year.
Thus sanctioned by the legislature, and resting on the sure bases of landed and funded
security for more than double its amount: we ask, fearlessly, who would not prefer this
Sterling Paper to Gold Coin, which seems to be principally and purposely formed to
encourage the injurious traffic in foreign exchanges and bullion?”
Such is the broad outline of a plan which I am yet inclined to believe
would raise the nation to a pitch of prosperity such as never has been and never can be
reached by any other means than a system of polity and finance the same as, or very similar
to, that on which I expended no small portion of valuable time, thought, and pains-taking.
I had indeed ample compensation in the pleasure of so constant an intercourse with
Mr. Trotter and his amiable and accomplished
circle. So passeth away the grave speculations and the social delights of our changeable
span: the shades and sunshine of human life.
Richard Bartlett (1849 fl.)
He was a clerk in the Foreign Office (1806-22) and consul at Corunna (1822-30) and
Teneriffe (1830).
Richard Bentley (1794-1871)
London bookseller who in 1819 partnered with his brother Samuel (1785-1868) and in 1829
formed an unhappy partnership with Henry Colburn that was dissolved in 1832.
Edward Blaquiere (1779-1832)
After serving in the Royal Navy he published
Letters from the
Mediterranean, 2 vols (1813); with John Bowring he founded the London Greek
Committee in 1823.
George Canning (1770-1827)
Tory statesman; he was foreign minister (1807-1809) and prime minister (1827); a
supporter of Greek independence and Catholic emancipation.
Ellen Carne [née Lane] (d. 1868)
The sister of the painter Theodore Lane; in 1824 she married the writer John
John Carne (1789-1844)
English poet, traveller, and missionary educated at Queens' College, Cambridge; he
published “Letters from the East” in the
New Monthly
Joseph Carne (1782-1858)
Cornish industrialist, banker, and geologist; he was president of the Penzance Natural
History Society.
Henry Colburn (1785-1855)
English publisher who began business about 1806; he co-founded the
Monthly Magazine in 1814 and was publisher of the
Gazette from 1817.
Sir Humphry Davy, baronet (1778-1829)
English chemist and physicist, inventor of the safety lamp; in Bristol he knew Cottle,
Wordsworth, Coleridge, and Southey; he was president of the Royal Society (1820).
Robert Were Fox (1789-1877)
Quaker geologist of Falmouth in Cornwall; he corresponded with Michael Faraday and was a
member of the Plymouth Institute.
Davies Gilbert (1767-1839)
Originally Giddy; born in Cornwall and educated at Pembroke College, Oxford, he was a
Whig MP for Helston (1804-06) and Bodmin (1806-32), and president of the Royal Society
William Huskisson (1770-1830)
English politician and ally of George Canning; privately educated, he was a Tory MP for
Morpeth (1796-1802), Liskeard (1804-07), Harwich (1807-12), Chichester (1812-23), and
Liverpool (1823-30). He died in railway accident.
George Payne Rainsford James (1801-1860)
English novelist and historiographer royal to William IV; he published
Richelieu (1829) and
Philip Augustus (1831).
Theodore Lane (1800 c.-1828)
English painter and engraver who exhibited at the Royal Academy from 1819; He
collaborated with Pierce Egan in humorous works.
Thomas Norton Longman (1771-1842)
A leading London publisher whose authors included Southey, Wordsworth, Scott, and
John Murray II (1778-1843)
The second John Murray began the
Quarterly Review in 1809 and
published works by Scott, Byron, Austen, Crabbe, and other literary notables.
William Henry Murray (1790-1852)
Actor and theater manager, the illegitimate son of the playwright Charles Murray; he
performed in Ediburgh adaptations of Walter Scott's novels.
Constantine Henry Phipps, first marquess of Normanby (1797-1863)
The son of Henry Phipps, first earl of Mulgrave; educated at Harrow and Trinity College,
Cambridge, he was a Whig MP, governor of Jamaica (1832-34), lord privy seal (1834),
lord-lieutenant of Ireland (1835), and ambassador at Paris (1846-52).
Owen Rees (1770-1837)
London bookseller; he was the partner of Thomas Norton Longman and friend of the poet
Thomas Moore.
Nassau William Senior (1790-1864)
Professor of political economy at Oxford (1825-30) and author of
Outline of the Science of Political Economy (1836). He contributed to the
Quarterly Review and
Edinburgh Review.
Alexis Benoît Soyer (1810-1858)
French chef who worked in England from 1831; he published
The Modern
Housewife (1849) and other works.
Sir James Emerson Tennent, first baronet (1804-1876)
Originally Emerson; educated at Trinity College, Dublin, he met Byron in Greece and
A Picture of Greece in 1825 (1826), a collections of
memoirs; he was MP for Belfast (1832-45) and civil secretary in Ceylon (1845-50). He
contributed to the
New Monthly Magazine.
John Trotter (1757-1833)
Army contractor and storekeeper-general; in 1815 he established the Soho Bazaar as a
place where distressed widows of soldiers could sell their handicrafts.
George Twining (1782 c.-1850)
Tea-merchant and banker; he became a member of the Goldsmiths Company in 1826. He was a
friend of William Jerdan.
Louis-Eustache Ude (d. 1846)
French chef who emigrated to London during the Revolution; he published
The French Cook (1813) and other works.
Samuel Wilson Warneford (1763-1855)
Educated at University College, Oxford, he was vicar of Bourton on the Hill in
Gloucestershire; he married an heiress and became a noted philanthropist.
Edward Young (1683-1765)
English poet, author of
The Complaint; or Night Thoughts on Life, Death
and Immortality (1742-44), a poem that fostered a taste for gothic
The Times. (1785-). Founded by John Walter, The Times was edited by Thomas Barnes from 1817 to 1841. In the
romantic era it published much less literary material than its rival dailies, the
Morning Chronicle and the