“I confess that while so important a part of our correspondence as my letter of the 20th ult., is lying unnoticed, I was surprised by your note of yesterday, requiring ‘an early and definite answer.’ The purport of that note, besides this indecorum, I do not clearly apprehend. Sure I am, that you would not be the conscious instruments of a design to entrap me into unwary concessions, and your client has no claim for any voluntary facilities towards his speculations to be afforded on my part. If he purchase, or if he sell, it must be at his own responsibility; I absolve myself from interference with, and still more distinctly from sanctioning, either.
“I inclose two letters for your client, open, that you
may be aware of their contents. My object in calling for a settlement of
accounts is that I may receive the salary due to me, a current expense, and
such as ought surely to be