“Not having the honour to be known to your lordship,
it becomes me to apologise for this intrusion; though I hope its motives and
its object will plead my excuse. As the Editor of a Literary Periodical work it
has happened to me to form the acquaintance of a very estimable individual, and
to have taken that interest in his welfare which I think his merits and
misfortunes can hardly fail to inspire. That individual, my lord, is Mr. Conway, who is known, as I believe, to
your lordship, as he certainly is to Lord William
Seymour, to Lord Robert, and to the rest of your
lordship’s family. In his distress he has
“Still, my lord, Mr. Conway is in need of little help, and this is so honourable to his discretion that I do hope that what your lordship’s interest could do with a breath will not be withheld from one who has such peculiar claims, independently of his deserts, to consideration.
“The testimony of a stranger can have but slight
weight; but I will not close my letter without expressing my opinion of the
value and integrity of Mr. Conway. Had
he no pretensions, I aver that I would deem it an act reflecting lustre on any
nobleman to take him by the hand; and
“Should your lordship have the kindness to appoint a period when I can wait upon you, I shall be proud of the honour.