“I have been much flattered by the honour which has been done me by the merchants, bankers, traders, and others, of London, in having determined to erect an Equestrian statue of me in the centre of the City, aided as they have been, in the execution of this project, by other noblemen and gentlemen.
“I was the minister of the late King; and I did no more than my duty upon the occasion to which you have been pleased to refer, in promoting to the utmost of my power the views of the Ring, his government, and of parliament, by assisting the City of London to complete their magnificent work, London Bridge, and the approaches thereto on both sides of the river.
“I performed this duty assiduously, as I have all others on which I have been employed in the public service; and it is gratifying to me to know that my conduct upon that occasion attracted your attention, and gave you satisfaction.