“I now send the first five sheets of the work which I mentioned. I wish you to confine your alterations to such as you deem indispensable, and to send them back to me, or at least one or two, as early to-morrow as you can. To save trouble, I will send at nine to-morrow for what your leisure may have permitted you to do. Do me the favour to let me know what will be a compensation for your own trouble. The work will extend to nearly 500 pages.
“I will send you a copy of ‘King’ as soon as I fix the time of
its publication. Reserve your remarks upon ‘Hakewell’ until the publication
of the next number. It
“‘The Curiosities’ is a delightful work for young persons, and has passed through many editions. I am now preparing a seventh. The ‘Literary Character’ of the same author is also very good; he has caught the true tact and feelings of authors.