“You will find subjoined an account of the monies for which I held myself debtor to the stewards, for tickets and subscriptions. I regret the number of tickets I have disposed of should, after all, have been so few; but except two, these are all that I have yet had accounted for as being made use of.
“In case there should be a meeting of stewards to wind
up the business, I beg that you would take the opportunity of recommending a
proposition to them, which I have heard recommended, both by those who were at
the dinner, and by those who have to regret that they were not; it is, that the
lively feeling which a festival in honour of Burns would
“From the very handsome manner in which the last meeting was conducted, I think that any future meeting of the kind could not be better arranged than by yourself, to whom, in my opinion, the chief merit of the conduct of the last is due. I am, dear Sir, Yours very truly,
“You will please to receive the enclosed 14l. 3s., and to send me a note to say you have received it.