“I am very much surprised at Mr. Colburn’s request. How my knowledge of the characters in ‘Vivian Grey’ can be necessary to, or indeed in the slightest degree assist any one in understanding the work, is to me a most inexplicable mystery. Let it be taken for granted that the characters are purely ideal, and the whole affair tis settled. If any collateral information be required, in order to understand the work, either ‘Vivian Grey’ is unworthy to be read, or, which is, of course, an impossible conclusion, the reader is not sagacious enough to penetrate its meaning.
“Of course, I have no intention of denying that these
volumes are, in a very great degree, founded on my own
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“In part of the former volumes, a number of names and characters were introduced which were evident portraits or caricatures. I can understand any reader of those pages being naturally desirous to comprehend their full meaning, and seeking auxiliary means to procure the desired knowledge; but to comprehend the full meaning of the present volumes, the public has only to read them; and if there be anything obscure or unsatisfactory, it is the author’s fault—he is a blunderer. All the notes and keys in the kingdom will not make him more intelligible.