“The little paper headed Pindarees is a verbal copy of
Official Communications from the East Indies. Since it was printed, a notice
has been given in the House of a motion for papers on the subject; this, of
course, renders it improper, and indeed impossible to give them in their
present form. Will you have the goodness to take the substance of them, and,
with the assistance of the publication herewith transmitted, mould them up into
a little article of eight
or ten pages for the present number? You will find the account of the Pindarees
at p. 118, and there is just enough to make an amusing and interesting paper at
the present moment. I shall be glad if your leisure will allow you to oblige me
in this. As for the rest
“Your other article is not at present in my hands. I need not say more at present on this head, but I hope to give it in this number. Circumstances have made some curtailments necessary, but on this subject you shall hear from me again,