“Your letter of the 19th followed me hither: where unluckily so many other things have followed me, during the week, that I have never till this morning, had leisure to turn to my private box of unanswered letters.
“I will be very open with you. The clerkships in the Foreign Office are in such request that I have not only more engagements upon my hands at present than I see any prospect of fulfilling; but I have also claims upon me which I have refused, but which are of such a nature that if I had unexpectedly the means, I ought properly to retract my refusal.
“Among the latter, are applications of the Duke of Cambridge, and Duke of Gloucester.
“I will further aver that I should feel, and I really
think you would, upon reflection, that your connection
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“Having said this, I have great pleasure in adding that I am likely to have the disposal, at no very distant time, of a clerkship in the Navy Pay Office, under Mr. Huskisson. Tell me if that would meet your wishes. If it would, it shall be yours, for your son.