The Life of William Roscoe
Chapter XIII. 1812-1815
William Roscoe to Robert Owen of Lanark, [1814?]
“A perusal of your fourth essay, which you were so good
as to leave with me last night, has confirmed in my mind the justice of the
remarks which I took the liberty of making to you on the nature of your plans
for public improvements, and the best method of carrying them into effect.
“There is in them so much practical excellence that I
cannot without great regret see them united with projects, which, to many
persons, must appear in the highest degree extravagant, and supported by
arguments, which, to say the least, are often of questionable validity, and
which cannot fail to offend all those persons upon whom your plans must depend
for support.
“I have already stated to you, in explicit terms, where
I conceive you must fix your boundary, if you expect success. These are,—
1. A particular Account of the Improvements at New Lanark, demonstrating
the Effects of Education and Habit on the Lower Classes of Society, and the
Facility with which they may be trained, without Severity, from a cheerful
Infancy, to an industrious Manhood, and a happy old Age.
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2. Directions in what Manner the Methods adopted at New Lanark may be
best applied to similar Establishments in different Parts of the Kingdom.
3. An Enquiry how far the same Plan may be adapted to Manufactories of
other Kinds, or to Establishments where great Numbers of people are
4. A brief Statement of the Influence of Education and Habit on the Mind
of Youth, and a Proposal for establishing national Schools of Education, in
which shall be inculcated the general Principles of Morality and
Benevolence, as well as the Intellectual Acquirements at present taught in
the Schools of Bell and Lancaster.
5. An Enquiry into the best Means of affording Employment for the
industrious, and relief for the disabled poor.
6. Observations on the Necessity of abolishing all Laws which tend to
the Corruption of Morals and the Perpetration of Crimes, as inconsistent
with the best Interests of Society.
“On all these points your writings contain many
excellent remarks, and if you should be the means of establishing such
improvements, you will have done the greatest good that ever any man conferred
upon his country. But, when ![]()
abandoning these practicable
reforms, you resort to theory, and insist upon it as a preliminary that all
mankind shall alter their opinions and admit the new light that is descended
suddenly upon them; and when you add to this the downfall of all existing
establishments in church and state, you appear to me effectually to preclude
the very possibility of success, and to convert into your strongest opponents
those who would have been your warmest friends.
“I have endeavoured to compress what I have before said
on this immense subject into as little space as possible, and have now only to
entreat that you will excuse the freedom of my remarks, and will believe me,
with real esteem,” &c.