“Dear Sir,—It is with much heartfelt pleasure that I improve a moment for the acknowledgment of your kind attentions, to inform you of the convalescent state of my health, and also to let you know that I have relinquished the idea of going to Sierra Leone the ensuing fall, but shall go to the Island of St. Domingo, for the purpose of introducing the British system of education. I am inclined to think the climate equally favourable for the confirmation of my health, and the field for usefulness quite as extensive as that of Africa.
“I was very much pleased with your friend the Duke of Gloucester. It is extremely gratifying to
find a person of his illustrious rank so habitually disposed to acts of
benevolence and kind affection, as he appears to be. His Highness seemed very
desirous that I should go out under the patronage of the Institution to Africa,
and so did several other gentlemen; but others, who were members of the Church
Mission Society, immediately introduced me to that society, as it were, before
I was apprised of it. They have uniformly been, and still are solicitous in the
extreme that I should engage with them for at least five years, which is a
“Messrs. Wilberforce, Macauley, and Stephen, have very cheerfully fallen in with the St. Domingo proposition, and seem disposed to give their most hearty encouragement. As there is no society organised for that object, they propose making up the money for the outfits and establishment of the school by voluntary contributions and subscriptions.
“As King Henry is so very desirous of having his subjects improved and instructed, we are very sanguine in the hope that he will immediately take it under the patronage of his government. Messrs. Wilberforce, Clarkson, and one or two other gentlemen, will give me letters to his majesty King Henry; and, if it would not be asking too much, I would solicit one from you, Sir, as a well-wisher to all mankind; and as one whom, I trust, will ever be numbered among the most indefatigable and zealous advocates for the emancipation, the moral and religious improvements and elevation of the characters and lives of the African race.
“I am, dear Sir, with sentiments of the highest consideration, &c.
“N. B. Please to give my best regards to Mrs. Roscoe and family.”