The Life of William Roscoe
Chapter XIII. 1812-1815
Sir James Edward Smith to William Roscoe, [7 September 1812]
“We have been spending ten days at Holk-![]()
ham, and I write now at the earnest desire of Mr. Coke to try to persuade you to come and see
him and us. He says you have given him some hopes, but have as yet only
disappointed him. Now I can conceive nothing more delightful than spending a
fortnight with you under this roof, and have promised him to do so, whenever
you come. To contemplate his pictures and statues, to rummage amongst his
books, drawings, manuscripts, and prints (where we every day find treasures
unknown before), is extremely agreeable, and he kindly entrusts all his keys to
me in full confidence. I found a case of the earliest
printed books, which no one had examined since the time of his great uncle,
Lord Leicester. Such MSS. of Dante, drawings of the old Italian masters,
treasures of European history—you have no idea! The house is one of the finest
in Europe, and its riches are inexhaustible. But of all things its owner is the
best worth your seeing and knowing. He is so amiable, with all the first gloss of human affection and feeling upon his
heart; so devoid of all selfishness, that with the early and constant
prosperity he has experienced, his character is next to a miracle; and he has
such an agreeable liveliness and playfulness of manners, that nobody is more
entertaining. You would exactly suit, in all your ideas of men and things. Do
give me some hopes that you will ![]()
come over this autumn
with Mrs. Roscoe, or some of your
family. We will meet at Holkham; and if you can descend (without breaking your
neck) to our ‘low estate,’ we will strive to rival even Holkham in
the heartiness of our welcome. I shall show you the Linnæan reliques, and we
shall consult you about a new Botanic Garden now projecting. Do, my dear
friend, think of all this.”
Thomas Coke, earl of Leicester (1697-1759)
Educated at Christ's College, Cambridge, he was an MP and supporter of Robert Walpole and
the builder of the grand Palladian mansion, Holkham Hall.
Dante Alighieri (1265-1321)
Florentine poet, the author of the
Divine Comedy and other
Jane Roscoe [née Griffies] (1757-1824)
The daughter of William Griffies, a Liverpool linen-draper; in 1781 she married the poet
and historian William Roscoe.