“I have much pleasure in offering to your acceptance
the accompanying literary trifle. May I hope you will not deem it an intrusion,
“The truth is that I have long sought an opportunity of showing some mark of the high sense I entertain of your worth, your talents, and your successful exertions as a true patriot and as a man of letters. I have only to regret that mine is not a more worthy tribute; for I owe to the influence of your writings upon my mind at an early age the chief of my literary pleasures. It was the ‘Life of Lorenzo de’ Medici’ that first inspired me with a desire to hear the swans of Arno in their harmonious native strains.
“Grateful for this, and full of admiration of your public conduct, no one can more sincerely wish that the evening of your bright day which has been passed so honourably to yourself, and so usefully to your country, may be attended with that tranquillity which is the best reward of such a course. With sentiments of the highest esteem, and best wishes for your health and happiness, believe me,” &c.